Saturday 100116

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:
50 Double Unders
45 Ball Slams (20#/16#)
40 Situps
35 Box Step-ups (24 inch box)
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
25 DB Turkish Get-ups (45#/30#)
20 Sumo Dead-lift High Pull (132#/93#)

Post time to comments.

New information regarding sectionals has been released. We now know most of how the day will go and at least an idea of the time frames the workouts will exist within.

There are 122 male and only 59 female competitors registered at the moment and 14 of these women are from CrossFit Omaha. The registration cut-off is 130 men and 70 women and is set for January 31st. Here is an itinerary of the weekend.

Friday, February, 12th - 5:00pm to 8:30pm
**All competitors will need to register during this time at CrossFit TNT, where the competition will be held. This is where you will sign forms and receive your welcome bag.

**After registration, CF-TNT will be hosting a lite dinner/finger foods for all. This is when they will have the competitor, sponsor, vendor meet and greet.

Saturday, February, 13th - 7:00am to 5:30pm
**National Anthem will start at 7:50am

**The first workout will start at 8:00am sharp!

**There will be two workouts on Saturday. Warm-ups for the first heat will start at 7:30am. Heats will be revealed once the registration dead-line is met (January 31st).

Heat 01 - 08:00am
Heat 02 - 08:30am
Heat 03 - 09:00am
Heat 04 - 09:30am
Heat 05 - 10:00am
Heat 06 - 10:30am
Heat 07 - 11:00am
Heat 08 - 11:30am
Heat 09 - 12:00pm
Heat 10 - 12:30pm
Heat 11 - 01:00pm

**Break from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Heat 01 - 02:30pm
Heat 02 - 02:45pm
Heat 03 - 03:00pm
Heat 04 - 03:15pm
Heat 05 - 03:30pm
Heat 06 - 03:45pm
Heat 07 - 04:00pm
Heat 08 - 04:15pm
Heat 09 - 04:30pm
Heat 10 - 04:45pm
Heat 11 - 05:00pm

**Sunday's workout will be announced at 5:30pm along with the score from the first two workouts.

Sunday, February, 14th - 7:00am to 2:30pm
Heat 01 - 08:00am
Heat 02 - 08:25am
Heat 03 - 08:50am
Heat 04 - 09:15am
Heat 05 - 09:40am
Heat 06 - 10:05am
Heat 07 - 10:30am
Heat 08 - 10:55am
Heat 09 - 11:20am
Heat 10 - 11:45am

**Break 12:10 to 1:00

Awards Ceremony 1:30 to 2:30pm

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11 Responses to "Saturday 100116"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 19:08 Rx'd; CTB and turkish getups were the toughest; had to redo at least 5 CTB and the getups were just slow.

    Great job 8 a.m.!

    Addi you make the CTB look easy!!!!!!!!
  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. BC Says:
  8. DNF rx'd. Things started smoothly and I finished the CTB pullups in 9:58, then things came to a screeching halt as it took me almost 10 minutes just to get through the TGU's. Was finally able to eak out 5 SDLHP's when time ran out. Usually when I DNF I can look back and pinpoint areas where I rested too long, could've pushed harder, etc, but I don't think there's anything I could've done differently today...except, as Ricky might say, get stronger. Those TGU's were brutal. Nice job 8am.
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. I would love to get this WOD in, but my gluts feel like someone took a baseball bat to them.

    This WOD definitely has 'The Lure of the Sexy Met-Con'(article from BYERS GETS DIESEL). I hope I get a chance to try it.
  11. paul Says:
  12. TGUs are my nightmare! I need to work on those in my spare time.

    18:45 rx'ed.

    Great work, 9am! And good to see Blas Hilario in the house!
  13. Jake Says:
  14. DNF, but great work 10:00 a.m.
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. UH-OH!...somebody's FINALLY gotten the hang of double unders...all 50 DUs unbroken...

    WOD= 15:22 rxd

    3 long years of dedication to 1 movement...HA
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. UH-OH!...somebody's FINALLY gotten the hang of double unders...all 50 DUs unbroken...

    WOD= 15:22 rxd

    3 long years of dedication to 1 movement...HA
  19. linds Says:
  20. DNF I had 16 SDHPs left, TGUs took forever. Everything else felt great.
  21. paul Says:
  22. Nasty, Greg Mo!

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