7 rounds for time of:
8 DB Front Squats (50#/35#)
12 Pushups
8 Db In-place Lunges (50#/35#)
For both the front squats and lunges, the db's must be held on top of the shoulders. The lunges are 4 each leg. Step out with a flat front foot and then kick back and return to the starting position.
In staying with the cool pushups, at the bottom of every rep, you must completely extend your arms out to the side. At the same time, your knees must never touch the ground (you can only rest in the lying position).
Post time to comments.
Some crazy clean and jerks. Good stuff.
Those of you that have registered for sectionals and need to change strength numbers, personal information such as your address, or didn't get a chance to choose a guest for your free spectator pass, you should be getting an email with a confirmation number.
Click on the link below then click on the re-entry button on that site. Once there, enter your confirmation number in the appropriate spot. You will be given the opportunity to change all of the above.
Registration and Information Site
Click on the link below then click on the re-entry button on that site. Once there, enter your confirmation number in the appropriate spot. You will be given the opportunity to change all of the above.
Registration and Information Site
Eric C, looks like I am signed up to room with you and Jimbo at sectionals.
Great job 6 a.m.!!
Paul, I'm looking to split a room with just one other person (if it works out. If not, I'll do what's best for the team.)
I just don't want to wake up with my hands between two pillows....
Holiday Inn Exp is full, but I was looking at getting a double at the near-by Sleep Inn.
Gym. Tan. Laundry.