Saturday 091212

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

A high jump of 7 feet 4 inches. Pretty amazing. The world record is 8 feet 1/2 inch held by Javier Sotomayor of Cuba.

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6 Responses to "Saturday 091212"

  1. Allison H :) Says:
  2. the high jump was my most favorite part of track and field day in elementary school! i wonder how i'd do at it now! ;)
  3. paul Says:
  4. Shoulders too burned to do floor to overhead, so I did:

    10 rds

    5 DL (220#)
    3 power clean and push press (132#)


    my lower back seized up after rd. 8, and that really slowed me down.

    Jen T did this too--with full cleans! Damn, girl!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Nice work Crystal on you double unders!! That was a LONG workout for ya!

    5 Reds on box jump...42 1/4"
    6:48 Burpee/Squat WOD at 156#....squats still just kick my legs booty like no other!

    Happy Holiday Season!!!!
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. I did 1rm box jump and then double under wods today. I have a mental block over 3 reds. I jumped on the corners of the box a few times because I chickened out. I ended up with 3 reds and a blue at 40.5ish". The double under workout didn't go so well. I stopped at 20 rx'd. I need to work on those a little more. Paul and Jen, you 2 are beasts! Great job today!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Aw, thanks Hannah. You kicked some ass today your own self!
  11. John Says:
  12. High jump looked pretty good, but not that special. I was a 7' 3" high jumper at 6' 165# 20 years ago. He looks to be at least 6' 4". You want to see a great jumper, Google Stefan Holm. Dude is barely 6' and has jumped 7' 10 1/2". You want to see something even more incredible. Google Stefan Holm hurdles. Guy practices jumping hurdles that are OVER his head.

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