Friday 091211

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
With a continuously running clock, do one double under the first minute, two double unders the second minute, three double unders the the third minute, and so on until you are unable to complete the required double unders in a minutes time.

You can utilize the whole minute to get the required double unders no matter how many times you mess up. Once the minute is up, the workout is over if the reps have not been completed.

There are two workouts that can be done, consecutive or total. Consecutive is considered prescribed. This means that you have to complete the required reps consecutively. The second workout only requires that you achieve the necessary reps but they do not need to be completed consecutively. The second workout is scaled.

You are also allowed to repeat the workout as many times as you want. For example, if you only get to minute 10 but not minute 11, you can start back over at minute 1.

Post minutes completed to comments.

Joe and I worked with Keith when he was a football player at UNO. He is now on the roster for the Washington Redskins. Great athlete and great person.

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6 Responses to "Friday 091211"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 28 Rx'd; redid minute 18 as my count was off. On minute 29 I messed up on rep 27 and couldn't get the required 29 in a row after that.

    Good job 6 a.m.
  3. Eric C Says:
  4. That Keith guy has some CRAZY ups. His backwards jump out of the pool was sooooo quick I had to replay it and pause it 5 times. Cool sh*t. He may actually be able to come close to Tyler and my 7 REDS. : )

    A little boring at the gym today. Didn't see anyone land on their back from 4 ft in the air. (...Shelley)

    Paul Antoniak KILLED it today. I would like to have seen a battle between him and Paul Audi and Tyler.

    28 Rx'd.
  5. Tovar Says:
  6. For those that might be interested, a couple good friends of CF Omaha are throwing their New Year's Eve Party again this year. Blas and Dan Hilario, both whom have been involved with crossfit off and on over the past couple of years, are hosting the party. It will take place at 1316 Jones and should be a really good time. I know several crossfit members went to their party last year and it was absolutely insane! I will be posting fliers in the gym this weekend with all the details. I will also have a sign up list for those that are interested in buying tickets.
  7. BC Says:
  8. Mixed things up and went at noon today. I'm not used to going to the gym with all that daylight.

    27 rx'd. I hit a wall on rep 25 of the 28th minute and briefly debated starting again to beat the clock but then decided eh, screw it. Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue.
  9. paul Says:
  10. great work, nooners!

    got all 35 rds of DUs. not biblically, though--i had to re-start 3 or 4 rounds, partly because my rope broke on rd. 32.

    then Jake and I did incremental Angie. couldn't keep up with him, but finished in about 17:35.
  11. Paula Says:
  12. DU'S- Went 17 rds scaled. Everyone got better on du's tonite. Great job 4:30

    Welcome to Crossfit Omaha, Katie!!!

    Ricky made the "Iron will, Iron bodies" pictures in crossfit journal on main site. Check him out!

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