Sunday 091213

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
A1. Snatch - Heavy Single (Call it a day after 2 misses)
A2. 75%x1x5 (1 min rest b/w drop sets)

B1. Clean & Jerk - Heavy Single (Call it a day after 1 miss)
B2. 75%x1x5 (1 min rest b/w drop sets)

C1. High Bar Back Squat - Work up to a heavy triple
(3 sec pause in the bottom - no bouncing)

D1. Abs of choice (optional)

This is a different kind of day because we aren't limited by an hour's class time. Have fun and feel what it's like to train as an Olympic lifter. Thanks to for this workout.

Post weights and thoughts to comments.

300 pound thruster. Rob is a strong dude and a good crossfitter.

Open gym at 1PM. Hope you can make it.

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6 Responses to "Sunday 091213"

  1. JimmyG Says:
  2. I had a lot of fun today! I am wiped out after this workout. We all lifted a lot of weight today.

    Snatch: worked up to 174# (10# more than our last 1RM day and matches my PR) and did my set of 5 at 132#

    C&J: worked up to 230 and missed the jerk at 235#. did my set of 5 at 175#

    BS: First of all High Bar BS hurts my neck! Worked up to a triple at 242? (whatever 2 reds are).
  3. JimmyG Says:
  4. Also, I'm officially stating my intent to compete in the sectionals this year.
  5. linds Says:
  6. Good workout today!

    Snatch = 99# (PR) 5 sets of 1 @ 77#
    C&J = 129# (PR for jerk) 5 sets of 1 @ 99#
    Back squat = 141#
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Loved today. A lot.

    Snatch - 120# (5# PR) w/ 5 singles @ 93#
    C&J - 147# w/ 5 singles @ 110#
    Back squat - 174# (these were fun, but they hurt my shoulder)

    After I missed the clean at 154, power cleaned it to try the jerk - new PR for jerk, too! These felt terrible last 1RM day, but much better today. I felt like could have gotten more.

    Did I mention I loved this workout?
  9. BigD Says:
  10. Damn work commitments! I really wanted to do this workout today! Hope I can make this up on rest day!
  11. Eric C Says:
  12. snatch 142# same old PR. 132# singles.
    C&J - 198# 155# singles
    Back Squat -220# (I think).

    Did this Wednesday (rest day) and Back was sore all day after.

Thanks For Visiting!