Tuesday 091222

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Ordered apparel is now at the gym for pick-up. Sorry for the delay but the items are in house and can be picked up at any time today, tomorrow, or on Christmas Eve.

5 rounds for time of:
30 Power Cleans (98#/63#)
Walking Lunges, 30 steps

The weight is light but the reps are long. If you normally have to scale with heavier weighted workouts, I would suggest you scale the weight for this workout as well. This is an opportunity for our best to address sprint/mental endurance. If you aren't sprinting and/or have to rest during the first 30 reps, the weight is too much.

Post time to comments.

The Power Clean as explained by Coach B and performed by his daughter Sage.

Registration for sectionals will open up on Wednesday, December 23rd at approximately 11AM. I would suggest that you sign-up immediately if you are interested in going. Doing so will at least guarantee you a spot.

Payment for competing also gets you a spectator ticket which is a nice bonus. If you do sign-up on Wednesday, please let me know asap. Get on it.

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15 Responses to "Tuesday 091222"

  1. Cody B Says:
  2. DNF - Completed through 4th set of clean.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 14:47 Rx'd. This WOD felt good, especially after being disappointed in my performance on the last two WOD's. Tried to keep same pace throughout though I did break up the cleans more than I should have.

    Great job 6 a.m. crew!
  5. BigD Says:
  6. 18:37 RX'd. Felt a puke coming 2 sets in. Pressed on and now I'm ready to pass out.
    Greg Mo, thanks for reminding me to keep my arms straight in the jump. Otherwise I wouldn't have made it out of the 4th round. Thanks for hitting the tabata pushups with me Eric C!
    Awesome class 6AM
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. Registration for sectionals will open at 1300 PST which I believe is 1500 CST or 3pm. Correct me if I am wrong.

    Good luck to all those competing in sectionals.
  9. Paula Says:
  10. DNF- RX'd- had 5 cleans and the last set of lunges left when time was called. I'm mad at myself..I should of pushed it harder and I probably would have finished! I liked this wod again today! We've had some fun ones lately!

    Awesome job this morning 5am crew!
  11. BC Says:
  12. 18:31 @ 88#.

    ZachR, that is affirmative. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Niner Delta. Over.

    And for those that are wondering, which is just about everyone, I am hoping beyond hope that we will have all of the apparel today. The bad weather we got delayed the initial shipments and that slowed down the whole process. But I pinky-swear promise I will let everyone know as soon as we have everything up at the gym.
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. WTF ZachR!!!! cinch up that gimp shoulder with some fishing line and strap up ur tough guy shoes buddy! We gotta beat that 8th place finish this year! LETS GO!!!
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. Don't temp me Greg. I already thought about using one of the pullup bands to strap my arm down so I could get a workout in. Hannah seems to think this would be a bad idea.
  17. paul Says:
  18. HAHA! you could do it, ZachR!

    If i don't get some deadlifts in tomorrow i seriously think i might die.
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. DNF rx'd: was on 5th rd with 20 cleans left and the last lunges. Shoot!!!
    Grip, arms, and legs were all a mess by 3rd rd. I actually almost fell over doing lunges b/c my legs were shaking so bad! Resting with between cleans got me behind on this one. I love cleans! But that was a lot of cleaning!
    Great job noon peeps :P
  21. Eric C Says:
  22. DNF Rx'd. I was about at 100 reps when the lower back went. Where it went, I'm not sure, it definitely wasn't at the gym with me. 1 by 1 reps from 100-142 when time was called. WEAK!
  23. Gdawg Says:
  24. This comment has been removed by the author.
  25. Addi Says:
  26. 19:16. Ow.
  27. Crystal Says:
  28. DNF Rx'd. finished 9 cleans of round 5. pretty happy with this. cleans felt good. technique was a little better for me and really worked on the quick elbows. nice job 6:30.
  29. Mark Says:
  30. 19:51 Rx'd. I thought I was going quiickly through the first 2 rounds when I looked at the clock in the middle of my third and 10 minutes had already passed.

    Good work 5:30!

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