Wednesday 091230

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As many rounds in 22 minutes of:
5 Toes to Bar (or toes to rings)
7 Box Jumps, 20 inch box
9 Thrusters @ 65/43 pounds

Post rounds completed to comments.

The original Santa Cruz Annie.

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10 Responses to "Wednesday 091230"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 12 rounds; was kipping on toes to bar in beginning as Joe pointed out; when switched to dead hang position, did KTE's and sometimes struggled with those and had to redo because I wasn't getting high enough. This part of the WOD went slow; box jumps and thrusters Rx'd seemed easy probably because I was rested from going so slow when I stopped kipping.
  3. BC Says:
  4. 10 rounds w/ kte
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Nice work Shelly! Way to crush the Deadlift workout yesterday!!!

    Here is a workout my gimpy shoulder might be able to handle :) Finally - & No more duck walking today!!!
  7. Gdawg Says:
  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 13 rds rxd

    I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. Paced it nice and easy, then quit resting the last 5 minutes. This was a nice follow-up to yesterday. Any more weight on those thrusters, though, and I think my back would have gone on strike.
  11. hannah eileen Says:
  12. ha, Addi, mine did go on strike. as soon as I got home, I just laid on the floor for a while. 10 rounds not rx'd and with an angry back. great job nooners!
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. WOW! that one got me. I havn't been that close to Mr. Pukie in a long time. I'm sure hot dogs and Budweiser at the Creighton game last night didn't help.
    14 rds Rxd. I think I was pretty strict w/o kipping too. (at least no one yelled at me. Well, I did get yelled at for not getting my head through on a few reps. But I'm used to that)
  15. Hilg Says:
  16. Hey, I could get used to a "Nooner" guys are pretty fun.....that and I really like the not getting up at 5am thing.

    Anyway, 13 Rds with K2C. I felt like I established a decent pace and was actually able to pick it up and finish the last Rd with 10 secs left. I'm with Eric, on the verge of Mr. Pukie, tho I haven't used that term since my kids were little. ;-)

  17. Gina Says:
  18. 8 rounds today, box jumps slowed me down like usual, so I switched to a jump/step up combo to keep moving.
  19. Crystal Says:
  20. 10 rounds w/KTE's. it was good to work on box jumps. i think i have finally gotten it down (and it has only taken 2 years!). they still need a lot of work but i am happy. also did all thrusters unbroken.

    nice job 6:30. was really surprised to see such a small class. have a safe and happy new year everyone!

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