Tuesday 091229

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Double Met-con

3 rounds for time of:
10 Dead-lifts @ 315/220
10 DB Push Press @ 50/35

If you can't go prescribed, a good place to start is 70% of your 1RM dead-lift

rest 5 to 10 minutes

3 rounds for time of:
Bear Crawl 20 meters (approx. 9 mats and back)
30 Double Unders
5 Granny Toss Wall Balls, 20#/14#

For bear crawls, you must get your entire body across the turnaround line and finish line before beginning the double unders.

For granny toss wall balls, take the med-ball from the floor behind the marked lines and toss it to a spot on the wall above the red, ten-foot wall ball line with an underhand throw. It must hit the wall above the red line and be executed with an underhand throw from behind (the ball behind) the marked lines for the rep to count.

There is a 7 minute cut-off for both workouts.

Post time for both workouts to comments.

What if we still had to dead-lift in that kind of attire? Nevertheless, a massive lift.

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9 Responses to "Tuesday 091229"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 2:57 Rx'd for first metcon. Didn't break up any DL's; push presses felt harder than they should have.

    5:56 Rx'd for second metcon. DU's weren't very good; several misses before getting any in a row and never got more than 15 in a row during any rounds.

    Great job 6 a.m. once again!
  3. BC Says:
  4. A better question is why DON'T we still deadlift in attire like this?!?! I've got 3 words - Banana Hammock Fridays. Look for them to be available in the next apparel order.

    Metcon #1 - 5:10 @ 230#/50#. I broke up the last round of push press 7/3, everything else was unbroken, I just took too much time between each exercise to catch my breath.

    Metcon #2 - 6:06 rx'd. I could not for the life of me string together any double unders today. It didn't help that the rope I was using kept coiling up tighter than a boa constrictor, and the stupid $#&^ing bear crawls only made things worse, but bottom line is I just didn't have it today and I didn't like this metcon at all.

    Nice job 6am.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Would've loved to do these! But instead I did some pullups, DB strict presses, and rowing. Luckily for me my hotel's gym has a concept 2. But in every other way, it was an awful gym for a crossfitter to work out in. not even enough room to do walking lunges or manmakers. wall-to-wall machines!
  7. JimmyG Says:
  8. Paul, you're a Wall-to-Wall Machine!!
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. 3:05 not rx'd.
    dnf not rx'd. if 10' could only be 9'11" I would have been rx'd. damn. great job 4:30! danielle, you are a beast!
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. 4:43 @ 286 the weight felt just right.
    5:46 rxd this one was fun
  13. Mark Says:
  14. 6:01 This one got heavy quick and I wasn't feeling too hot after finishing.

    5:22 for the second. This one felt much better, probably only because my double unders are pretty consistent (only one miss).

    Big class today at 5:30!
  15. Gdawg Says:
  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. Addi Says:
  18. #1 3:02 rxd
    #2 6:16? rxd

    After the first one, I was sure I was going to hurl. Spent most of the rest time going back and forth to the bathroom. The second one felt pretty good, but the bear crawls were SLOW in order to maintain control of my stomach contents. Still wasn't feeling well enough until a couple hours after. Hungry Addi = Cranky Addi.

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