Thursday 091231

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5 rounds for time of:
3 Power Snatches @ 164#/110#
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

High power matched with high endurance, both pulling. This is a tough workout but very fitting for New Year's Eve.

If you can't go prescribed, try 65 to 75% of your 1 rep max snatch.

Post time to comments.

The one movement that separates us from every other gym in Omaha.

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6 Responses to "Thursday 091231"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Greg MO Says:
  4. There's a bunch a places to get gymnastics grips but after researching a bit I read that the most durable ones come from, these work great, here is the link for the ones i have:

    Also, very important, watch all videos here to learn how to set up and care for them:
  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. awesome! thanks so much!
  7. paul Says:
  8. Worked out in Lexington, KY today at CrossFit Maximus. did some DLs to make sure I still could, then joined them in their WOD:

    tabata clean and jerk (135) and air squats (alternating). Got a total of 23 c&j (well, really push press) and 140 squats.
  9. Gina Says:
  10. barely finished this in 14:15, did pull-up attempts for CTB pull ups. some were close (nose to bar?) but others...not so much.
    Nice job everyone today. Hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years Eve.
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. started snatch w/ 63#, i suck ass at snatch so threw off the 5s and stuck with 53#
    attempted 1-3 at a time chest to bar pull ups. Some hit chest to bar, some not so much! :)

    dnf- was on 4th round starting pullups! blood blisters is all i got to say about my hands right now!

    happy new years eve everyone! have a blast tonight if you are celebrating!!!!!!!! 2010 is gonna be awesome!!!!

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