Wednesday 091202

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Heavy "Elizabeth"
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Full Cleans @ 165#/110#
Weighted Ring Dips @ 30#/10# (no kipping)

You can scale ring dips by going un-weighted. If you do not have un-weighted ring dips, you will scale doing pushups with a narrow hand placement and elbows touching your sides at the bottom of the movement. Ladies can get to ten pounds by attaching to themselves two 5 pound plates with a band.

Post time to comments.

Tall Snatch

This weekend's fundraising event will take place during normal class times at 8AM, 9AM, and 10AM. Because of this, I would encourage all of you to make sure you arrive about 5 to 10 minutes early. I also need everyone that plans on working out to sign up for their respective classes.

Because there is a lot of room that is going to be taken up, I need to know who all is going to be there for space and equipment use.

If you have not already taken a look at the workout, I would encourage you to do so. There will be a cut-off time for this workout due to normal class times so it would be a good idea to start thinking about how you will need to scale weights and/or reps if need be.

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9 Responses to "Wednesday 091202"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. Finished in 13:33; went Rx'd on cleans but used tan band to do ring dips. Broke ring dips up in half each of first 2 rounds and then did last round with no break.

    Great job 6 a.m. crew!! Kudos to Greg M for smokin' this WOD.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Seriously--well done, Greg! And way to suffer through it, 6am!

    Dips were no joke for me. Did the first 15 with the 30# DB, but it took forever, so i switched to strict ring dips with no weight for the 12 and 9 sets. Still didn't make the cutoff--probably finished around 18.
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. Thanks guys! I'm jus tryna get strong like u guys!

    10:03 rxd
    Cleans were heavy but managed all of em prety much unbroken, dips were tuff, got 3 in a row for the 1st set then it was sets of 1 wit little rest in between the rest of the way...

    Way to work 6amers!!!
  7. Gina Says:
  8. Finished this WOD in 13:04, using 87#. Did push ups instead of dips.

    Great job everyone at 6am!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Ok my quads feel like noodles from the baseline#3 wod (10th round when time was called) and yesterdays 50 cleans! I think Ivan the Terrible returned from Texas this week!

    See everyone at 530 and look for updates on CrossFit Omaha Apparel coming SOON.........
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. Wow! Made up basline 3 Monday... and then heavy cleans today! Geesh!
    Scaled! Cleans to 99#, and used tan band for dips.
    big DNF, finished all round 12 (cleans n dips), would have been starting 9 cleans when time called. Man they were heavy!!!! NO JOKE!!!

    Great effort 4:30 :)
  13. Paula Says:
  14. Cleans definitely felt heavy- scaled to 99#.
    Also scaled to pushups. Finished with 1 sec. to spare...pretty pumped about that! There was some serious weight cleaned today! Great job 4:30!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RITA!!!! Great job today!!
  15. BC Says:
  16. Of all the lifts we do cleans are definitely my favorite, but holy hell man! DNF - I made it through 1 full round plus 8 cleans in round 2, cleans were Rx'd and dips were unweighted. My 1RM is only 191 so I knew I could do 164 but I also knew it would be slow going. The round of 15 wasn't horrible, but during the round of 12 my back started spasming and I basically had to take 'em on 1 at time. It sucked but I still enjoyed it.

    To echo Reba's comment, big BIG news about new apparel coming very in the next day or 2. Keep your eyes and ears open.
  17. Gdawg Says:
  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

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