Thursday 091203

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
10 rounds for time of:
15 Weighted Situps (20#/16# Slam Ball)
Eight (8) foot Broad Jumps, 15 reps

For the weighted situps, hold the slam ball across your chest with the ball touching the bottom of your chin at all times.

Broad jumps can be done across the length of a single, black stall mat on the floor. Jump there, turn around, and jump back. If any part of the foot touches the stall mat, either side, the rep does not count.

Scale as needed.

Post time to comments.

Kelli Lambert is always monkeying around.

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9 Responses to "Thursday 091203"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. New video on the games website check it out a little mention of CFO.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. DNF: did 12 reps instead of 15 and completed 9 rounds plus 10 situps when time was called; I didn't rest during any of the WOD, but I just didn't do it fast enough. Disappointed with my performance on this one.

    Taking the rest day tomorrow to rest up for Saturday's WOD.......7 400's in between all the other stuff will be interesting.
  5. BigD Says:
  6. DNF. Went 12 reps per exercise instead of 15. Got 8 rounds and 10 situps before the cutoff. Thought I was going at a good pace. Guess not. See everyone on Saturday!
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. 11:15 w/ 12's (didn't breakup any sets). Didn't think doing 15's was physically possible to complete in 15 mins, even w/o breaking it up. I think someone should try it. It'd be close.
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. tried it... ur rite E... Only got 8.5 rnds done but i did 2 mat widths instead of 1 mat length (don't kno if its that much diference), mayb Rick can get er' done...
  11. BC Says:

    Hopefully everyone got the email regarding new, official CFO apparel ready to be ordered. Just go to the front office and take a look at sample items, color options and designs. You have between now and Monday evening to place your order to ensure delivery before X-mas. You can still place an order after Monday but you won't receive your items till after the first of the year. Available for purchase are:

    Hooded pull-over sweatshirts
    Men's sweat pants
    Women's sweat pants and yoga pants
    Women's tank tops
    Long-sleeve thermals

    Like I said there are samples up front along with artwork of the designs. Just pick your size and pick your color. Any questions just ask me or Jen Shannon.

  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. DNF. Screw that. I did 12 instead of the rx'd 15. I finished 8 rounds + 8 jumps. I got dizzy turning for some of those jumps. The situps got difficult really quickly. Great job 4:30.
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. DNF!!! Scaled with 12 reps for sit ups and jumps, had to jump from inside line of mat to clear it each time. 8 rounds completed. OHHH my ABs!!! And I skinned the bottom of my chin trying to hold on to that ball so hard when I would sit up! HAHA!
  17. Gdawg Says:
  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

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