Dec 2009

Tuesday 091201

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Weighted Pull-ups 5-5-5

Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps and keep the same weight for two more sets. Rest at least 3 minutes between sets. Utilize a sound warm-up rep scheme that will not interfere/fatigue the work sets.

followed by,

For time: (courtesy of CF Amarillo)
50 Wall Balls (20#/16#)
40 Double Unders
30 Kettle Bell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
20 DB Overhead Walking Lunges (35/20 pound dumbbells)
10 Burpees

10 minute cut-off

The overhead walking lunges are 20 total steps with a db in each hand while overhead. The arms must remain locked out during steps in order for the reps to count.

Post pull-up working weight and met-con time to comments.

DB Overhead Walking Lunges

This Saturday we will be taking part in the Lumberjack CrossFit Hero WOD Fundraiser. This event will go to support the fallen soldiers of Fort Hood, 4 of whom were members of Lumberjack CrossFit.

You are not required to give anything but rather just show up on Saturday to give your all. I have created a fundraising page should you wish to give something and would ask that you donate to that page instead of creating your own.

Again, I am not requesting that any of you give any money but if you could pay your respects by showing up on Saturday morning to give us every last ounce of effort you can muster, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by all those directly affected. Thank you.

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14 Responses to "Tuesday 091201"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Fun stuff....except for OH lunges. Even burpees are better than those!

    7:27 on the metcon, 35# for pullups (2 good sets of 5 and one inferior set of 4).
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 6:12 on the metcon Rx'd; had to redo 5 wallballs (not fun); glad that DU's were working well today; OH lunges were tough.

    Did 4 strict pullups and failed to get the 5th one on the first set with no band; went to purple band on next 2 sets of 5; next time should be able to do all with no band.

    Great job Paul on the weighted pullups. You made them look easy!!

    Great job 6 a.m. crew! Great to see so many there with some new faces as well.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Ricky can you add this WOD to logwod so we can post there?

  7. BC Says:
  8. 20# pullups for 3 sets of 3.

    9:33 for the metcon with a 2 pood for the 30 KB swings, everything else rx'd. DU's and burpees I was able to do without breaking them up, not so much for everything else, esp the swings and OH lunges.
  9. Gina Says:
  10. I worked on strict pull-ups with bands today, long way to go on those :>

    DNF on the metcon, got to the lunges and did 2 before the 10 min. cutoff. Most of the time was spent on the singles (with a few du's) and the wall balls.
  11. Steve Says:
  12. Put me down for the Saturday workout. I followed the link... looks like it will be a long, tough morning. Hope the sun is shining.
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. Happy Birthday Shelly! I won't say how old you are.... but you do overhead squat lunges like a 29 yr old!
  15. paul Says:
  16. Whoa. Just looked at the WOD for saturday. That is awesome, but it is going to hurt like hell.
  17. Shelley Says:
  18. Thanks Eric! I think everyone's happy there's no WOD associated with my "real age" and reps. Might need a long cutoff time for that!

    Count me in for Saturday as well; do we need to sign up for a specific class time or is there a set time everyone should show up?

    If you're fortunate to be able to do so, I encourage people to donate money to the cause as well. It's a small token IMO.
  19. hannah eileen Says:
  20. at least I didn't fall today! pullups were a little off today. I used the tan band for all 3 sets. I did the metcon in 8:27 and my legs are on fire! after the squat cleans and box jumps yesterday, those wallballs are tough! Great job nooners! It's all in the rope...
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. Pull ups used tan band for all 3 sets. Strict is tough! Can only do 1 lone strict pu! Makes me realize how much kipping means to me! ;)

    Metcon rx'd, DNF, had burpees left.
    And the jello legs are back in action from yesterday! Good work 4:30 :)
  23. Blog on Life Says:
  24. OH. MY. GOD. Saturday is going to be tough! I'm going to make an appearance...just need to know what time!
  25. kahrs Says:
  26. 7:35 with a 2 Pood, it was pretty fun.
  27. Gdawg Says:
  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

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