Monday 091228

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

The Split Jerk

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8 Responses to "Monday 091228"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. Rest WOD was a good one today to help detox the prime rib, wine, and Christmas cookies from my body following yesterday's family Christmas.

    Box jumps, KB swings, pullups, burpees and DB snatch combo made for a good WOD.

    Great job 6 a.m. crew!
  3. Gdawg Says:
  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Ice cream my ass, Jimbo!

    Just worked out at CF new york city "the black box." They were snatching. Couldn't go too heavy because you can't drop weights or the tenants below will call the cops. CFO, be f-ing grateful for our gym and our trainers!!

    snatched 115 a few times, and then did:

    3 rds

    5 power snatches (95)
    5 OHS (95)
    10 GH situps
    10 KB swings (2pd)
    5 CTB pullups

    didn't time it. felt a little crappy.
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. Yes Paul. CFO trainers, weights and facilities ROCK.

    Also, I just got an email stating that I have been 'wait listed' for the Sectionals. WOW! I signed up by noon on the second day. <24 hrs from when they opened registration. CRAZINESS!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Wow, that's sucks,Eric. Hopefully you get in. I'm so pumped up for the games I could puke! I hope we go down and dominate in St.Charles.

    Nick P
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. BTW...This "rest day" wod was TOUGH! 2 pood swings straight to pull ups were no joke

    Nick P
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. BTW...This "rest day" wod was TOUGH! 2 pood swings straight to pull ups were no joke

    Nick P
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. I think I'll get in b/c there are some guys like Greg Mo that were entered 6 times. Once they get that mess straightened out I should be good. I'm trying to convince them to use one of Greg's entry fees for me. Kind of like a gesture of good will.

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