Tuesday 091208

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Update: UNO has canceled classes and in doing so has determined what we will do. I will hold noon and 1PM classes for those that wish to brave the weather. These classes will be open gym.

We will then be closed from 2PM on and possibly all of Wednesday. Keep checking back for further updates.

Cancellation Policy:
CrossFit Omaha will follow suit of the University of Nebraska at Omaha. If UNO cancels school, the gym will strongly consider canceling morning classes and follow the weather hour by hour in deciding if any afternoon and/or evening classes will be conducted.

Keep checking back here for any further updates, including possible morning classes if the snow decides not to show up. We will try and have at least one class if at all possible for those that wish to brave the inclement weather.

UNO's Weather Information

A world record RAW bench press. Quite amazing.

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9 Responses to "Tuesday 091208"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I vote for a noon clas :)
  3. paul Says:
  4. I should've gone at 6. not going to crossfit gives me the rage.
  5. BC Says:
  6. Yes Paul, you should have come to 6am. We were a small but mighty group.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. calm down, bigfoot. you should come to the cool kids' class at noon.
  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. shoveling the drive way for time.... then headin up for noon :)
  11. Tovar Says:
  12. Ha! Everyone should check out the main site affiliate blog today. The pic is hilarious:) CrossFitters never seize to amaze me!
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. Yes, 6 am ROCKED the HIZZOUSE today. It was small and intimate, I feel like I have 5 new best friends. : )

    3 rnds for time
    185 overhead and 21 HSPU's.

    The 5 lbs my fat ass has put on this fall, made the HSPU's damn tuff.
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Speaking of hilarious, be sure to check out the pre-lift bitch-slaps in the bench video. Good stuff. I almost peed myself.

    Made up Sunday's workout - ground to overhead and HSPU. Used 132# and tan bands. Last round bumped up to 142#. Didn't time it.

    Was pretty happy - last push jerk strength day, I was unimpressed, but split jerk felt pretty decent today. The 142# jerks were a little shaky until the last one. Failed once, and then had a fairly solid one. HSPU felt okay, too. Shoulder held up surprisingly well!
  17. Allison H :) Says:
  18. made up a super modified lumberjack20!!!!!

    20 deadlifts 121#
    200 m row
    20 kb swings 1 pood
    200 m row
    20 oh squats 53#
    200 m row
    20 burpees
    200 m row
    20 chin over bar pullups
    200 m row
    20 box jumps 24"
    200 m row
    20 DB full cleans, 20# each hand
    200 m row

    scaled cut off was 25 mintues which I DNF, time was 28:15.
    I was moving slow today and calves are pretty cramped up!
    Everybody stay warm! And drive safe! Watch out for all those nuts that think they can drive in this crap!

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