Monday 091207

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Front Squat 3-3-3 reps

Work your way up to a heavy set of 3 reps in the front squat and perform 3 sets of 3 reps at this same weight. Your first, second, and third sets should be done with the same weight.

followed by,

8 rounds of:
150 meter row

Post front squat weight and average row time to comments.

U.S. Olympian, Cara Heads, front squatting 308 for a double.

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14 Responses to "Monday 091207"

  1. BC Says:
  2. Front squat=198 3x3. Should have gone a little heavier but didn't realize that until after my first working set, but still pretty happy with that.

    Rows=:27 average. First 5 rows were all :27.something, last 3 were 28.2, 28.1 and 28.2.

    ***REMINDER*** Today is your last full day to place any apparel orders for pre-Festivus delivery. I'm taking the order sheets with me after the 6am class tomorrow, so get your order in before then.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. Front squat=173 3x3. I think I could have gone heavier also. I based this number on 80% of my 1 RM back squat and then took 90% of that # to come up with my working sets since this wasn't a 1RM front squat.

    Rows=30.0 average; 1st row was 31.4 which threw off my average a bit. I had one 30.2 and all the others were 29 something.

    Great job 6 a.m. crew as usual!!
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. BTW, my face wound is healing nicely. For those of you who thought it happened on my birthday night, you're mistaken!!!!

    It happened during Thursday morning's WOD. Embarrasing to say the least.........
  7. Gina Says:
  8. I did 121# front squats, could have gone heavier, but was playing it a little safe.

    Average of 33 seconds per row.

    Nice job everyone! Nice to see people braving snowy roads to come work out.
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 220# front squat 3x3
    28.2 8 rd rowing 150m(fell off of the stupid rower seat on one set. How does that happen?)

    For all who are not familiar with the term 'Festivus' I have included this quote from Wikipedia, "Festivus is a non-denominational annual holiday created by writer Dan O'Keefe and introduced into popular culture by his son Daniel, a scriptwriter for the TV show Seinfeld as part of a comical storyline on the show. It has developed to include a festivus pole and traditional practices including feats of strength and the airing of grievances.

    It's pretty funny.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. OMG! Is CFO having a Festivus Party? The holiday for the rest of us?? Let the airing of grievances begin!
  13. paul Says:
  14. pleasure to work out with the noon crowd today.

    FS: 242
    row avg: 25.0
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. front squat 126# 3x3
    row average 33.0
    times fell off rower - 1
    there was definate girl power at the noon class! wonderful workin with ya ladies, good work today everyone!
  17. hannah eileen Says:
  18. row average: 34.3
    front squat: 142# 3x3
    I needed to have people around me that weren't staring at the ONLY girl in the gym using barbells and Olympic weights. I felt out of place in UNO's weight room. My 1rm pr for front squat was 132 - because I did a full clean of that - so I was pretty freaking excited for 142x3.

    If schools close tomorrow or Wednesday, is the gym closed too?
  19. hannah eileen Says:
  20. also, can you please post the workouts to logwod? thanks so much.
  21. Blog on Life Says:
  22. Can't make it in again...stupid work. Tomorrow's a rest day so I'm making this up tomorrow because I hate rowing and if I hate it, I have to work on it.

    Hannah, you should feel good that you were the only girl using those things, it means you dominate over everyone else there and they're jealous! :o) Good question on the school cancellations...please don't close ALL class times!
  23. Hilg Says:
  24. 205 X 3

    29.25 Average on Rows

    My first time rowing for an individual time and I difinately need to work on technique.

    Enjoyed working out with the Nooners today....if the gym's open tomorrow, I'm going to try and get back to the 6amers!

  25. Allison H :) Says:
  26. yo - i have all wheel drive! if a foot of snow is on the ground i'm still going to crossfit damnit!!!!! I'll car pool!!!! :)
  27. Addi Says:
  28. FS - 142#
    Row avg - 30.4 sec.

    I really thought both were going to be better, but meh. I think front squat is going to join bench press for my rest day fun lifts, as it's currently the limiting factor on my clean max.

    Thanks for letting me play, Chad and Tony. You guys made those weights look easy!

Thanks For Visiting!