Thursday 091217

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
AMRAP in 9, 6, and 3 minutes of:
2 Thrusters @ 176#/120#
4 Snatch Grip Dead-lifts @ 176#/120#
8 Wall Balls, 20#/14# (above 10 foot line)

Use one bar for both thrusters and dead-lifts (no rack). You may use a mixed grip for the dead-lifts but the grip must be outside the rings of the barbell. All wall ball attempts must touch a spot on the wall above the 10 foot red line for it to count.

This workout is split into three different time intervals, 9 minutes, 6 minutes, and 3 minutes. Each interval is split by 2 minutes of rest.

Post total rounds COMPLETED over all three rounds.

Snatch Grip Pull

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18 Responses to "Thursday 091217"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. For some reason, I'm looking forward to this one, though I'm sure I'll change my mind as soon as I get there. You're tricking me with your deceptively low reps. And I don't like it.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. For me, this is like a horror show....I always had wondered when my two least favorite things would show up like this....heavy thrusters and wallballs....add the row machine and it might be my nightmare ;)

    See everyone later...
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Intended to go Rx'd until Amanda suggested dropping weight a bit and getting better technique on thrusters. I let the bar get a bit too far in front of me instead of straight up sometimes.

    Did 109# for this WOD; thrusters actually got better as the workout progressed. I missed one in the first round (bar got in front of me instead of straight up) and had to re-do it. Not fun.

    completed 12 total rounds of 6, 4, and 2.

    Great job 6 a.m.!!
  7. BC Says:
  8. 10 rounds total (5,3,2) @ 132#. I would've rather done the bear complex again. It was really great for Paul to point out, right before we started, that wall balls are essentially thrusters. Thanks Paul, I hadn't thought of it like that...a$$.
  9. paul Says:
  10. My lower back seized up during this. Not fun. 5, 2, 2 at 164#. frustrating. You know something's wrong when thrusters are the easiest part.
  11. Addi Says:
  12. None of you are helping the odds of me showing up at noon. Sleep and cheeseburgers are sounding better and better.
  13. paul Says:
  14. Don't get me wrong, Addi--i loved this WOD. I just hate my back, bed, and everything else that keeps me from deadlifting (my career...i could go on).
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Now Addi lets not be to hasty about your decision. Sleep and cheeseburgers can come after you work out. You know you love some deadlift - no matter how you grip the bar!
  17. Shelley Says:
  18. You'll kill this WOD Rx'd Addi, I have no doubt! You could probably even enjoy a cheeseburger during your rest time.
  19. Gina Says:
  20. I used 92# for the thrusters & dl's. Got 11 rounds done total: 5, 4, and 2. Nice job everyone this morning!
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. This comment has been removed by the author.
  23. Allison H :) Says:
  24. Not makin it in today as planned to 4:30 :( woke up today to family drama :( throwin my day's plans for a loop! :(
    I get upset when I don't get to work out. Upset with myself and upset with whatever factor changed my plans. Sounds psycho! But working out is addictive, and like a drug I fiend for it!
  25. Paula Says:
  26. I loved this WOD again today! 6-3-2 with 77#
    Going to KC this weekend. Everyone have a great weekend.

    Great job 5am'ers!!! I'm loving the early morning thing. Nothing like a good CF WOD to get your motor running for the day!
  27. Jen S Says:
  28. 10 rounds. I used 114 for the first round and then dropped to 109 for the last 2 rounds. I could have used a cheeseburger about 4 minutes into this one.
  29. Becky Says:
  30. I did 99# for 5-3-2. Didn't think I would be able to do this weight, but the push from Ricky was awesome. Thanks for a great workout 4:30!
  31. JimmyG Says:
  32. 11 total rx'd. I haven't felt so ill after a workout since the UNO days. This was awful and great at the same time!!
  33. Gdawg Says:
  34. This comment has been removed by the author.
  35. Addi Says:
  36. 9 rds Rx'd (5, 2, 2)

    Should have had 6, 3, 2 (shoulda coulda woulda), but my right knee kept catching at the bottom of the squat. A little frustrating, but I liked this one a lot.

    AND I got my cheeseburger. With bacon. And a nap. Good day.

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