Sunday 091227

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"The Big Roshoneski" (in honor of D.J. Roshone)
3 minutes of sprint shoveling
50 Air Squats
3 minutes of sprint shoveling
30 Pushups
3 minutes of sprint shoveling
800 meter run
3 minutes of sprint shoveling
30 Pushups
3 minutes of sprint shoveling
50 Air Squats
3 minutes of sprint shoveling

We need your help. Joe and I would like to ask your help in shoveling the snow drifts that have covered the whole side of the gym. They're really high and D.J., who plows for us, would have to get out and do some manual work before being able to plow through it. If we could ask you to bring some shovels and lend a hand, all while getting a workout in, it would be greatly appreciated

The gym will be open at 1PM for this workout. Thank you in advance for those that make the trip. You guys are awesome

Post to comments if you are coming and what your experience was

Jen Shannon hitting the handstand prior to hitting the shoveling home WOD. Sweet form.

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5 Responses to "Sunday 091227"

  1. Gina Says:
  2. I would like to come, but we are havig a rescheduled Christmas tomorrow. Have fun everyone!
  3. O'Kief Says:
  4. So I'm having a drink (or two) with friends tonight, lamenting how hard it was to shovel my driveway, and I said something along the lines of "It was like a crossfit workout. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they have us shovel the parking lot someday." Then I got home and saw today's WOD.

    I think I just got a lump of coal.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Does this mean no one came in for the WOD?! I'd have been there, but i'm in a different time zone.
  7. JimmyG Says:
  8. We came..we shoveled...we conquered. (Sort of) The important thing is that the snow was removed from the side of the gym. The more important thing is that I bench pressed 3x5 @ 220#. Paul, your time zone excuse is lame and no one believes it. Put down the spoon of ice cream and get back in the gym!
  9. Blog on Life Says:
  10. Jen Shannon how how I miss your face!

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