Sunday 091206

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Floor to Overhead (185#/120#)
21 Handstand Pushups

You can push press, push jerk, or power snatch. What will save your shoulders? Good luck.

Handstand pushups can only be head to floor. If you can't go head to floor, you will have to use bands. No Ab-Mats.

Post time to comments.

My baby girl is getting baptized tomorrow morning at 10:30AM at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

You are more than welcome to come and help us celebrate this special moment in our lives. Danielle and Jon Baker, as they are Teagan's Godparents, will be hosting a small party at our house to celebrate this special occasion. No need to RSVP, just show up and enjoy our special occasion with us.

The open gym for Sunday will be at 5PM. Hope you can make it.

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10 Responses to "Sunday 091206"

  1. Becky Says:
  2. Ricky, congrats on yur baby girls baptism. You must be such a rpoud papa. Thnak you for a great Saturday workout, even thought I did it Friday. I'll try to make it Sunday for this workout.
  3. Blog on Life Says:
  4. Congrats Fraustos! I can't make it in because I work at 5pm...but I swear I'm going to get back into the groove of Crossfitting every day work is winding down finally and I have time to myself again! I miss my 430 crew!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Congratulations, Fraustos!
  7. Courtney B Says:
  8. Congratulations Crystal and Ricky. This trully is a very exciting and memorable day for your entire family.
  9. BigD Says:
  10. Congrats Fraustos!
  11. Jill Says:
  12. Congrats Ricky, Crystal, and Damion!
  13. Paula Says:
  14. Congratulations Ricky and Crystal!!!!!
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. CONGRATS! I work tonight so I prob won't be able to make it in... but if they call me a low census night off... I'm there!!!
  17. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  18. That was a great day watching Teagan getting baptised. Congrats Fraustos!!
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

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