Saturday 091205

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Lumberjack 20 Memorial Workout

20 Dead-lifts (275/185)
400 meter run
20 Kettle Bell Swings (2/1.5 pood)
400 meter run
20 Overhead Squats (115/77)
400 meter run
20 Burpees
400 meter run
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
400 meter run
20 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
400 meter run
20 DB Full Cleans (45/30 each)
400 meter run

If you go prescribed, you will have a cut-off of 35 minutes. If you scale anything other than pull-ups, your cut-off is 25 minutes. This is an encouragement for all of us to go heavier. If you scale, your weights will probably allow you to finish in the faster time anyways.

Post time to comments.

If you haven't already, please sign up on the class sign in to the right in the upper middle column. If you are having trouble, post to comments and I'll manually sign you in. It is going to be about 23 degrees outside so be sure to dress warm as we will be running out there.

The apparel samples are in the front office for you to see. If you plan on signing up to order some, we need your payment upon placing that order. We are only accepting cash or check. Thanks for your cooperation.

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15 Responses to "Saturday 091205"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. It won't let me sign in. I'll be there at 9.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I will be there at 8.
    Nick P
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Ill be there at 8.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Good Luck Everyone!!
  11. JFey Says:
  12. I can't sign in. Not sure what my "secret word" is. I'll be there at 10:) May not be doing much weight...messed up the back...again:(

    Its gonna be a good one!!
  13. Dave Paladino Says:
  14. I will be there at 8am
  15. Becky Says:
  16. Good luck all. Did this yesterday, as I won't be able to make it today. I'll have all Crossfitters in my thoughts today.
  17. Shelley Says:
  18. 33:12 Rx'd; took me well over 4 minutes just to do OH squats. The runs were harder than I expected as were the DB cleans.

    Thanks Jess for running the last 2 runs with me. It really helps a ton!!

    Great job everyone!

    Massage afterwards was wonderful as well.
  19. paul Says:
  20. Damn it feels good to be a lumberjack.

    not really.

    30:14, rx'ed. thought i was on point for something in the mid-20s, but apparently not. must've taken too long on the runs. also, DB squat cleans can bite me.
  21. Paula Says:
  22. DNF- had the DB squat cleans and run left. Went Rx'd except used band for C2B pullups (Thanks Addi for the encouragement on C2B). Spent A LOT of time on OHS and the runs sucked as usual.

    Awesome job everyone, way to support Ft. Hood!!!

    Go BIG RED!!!!!!
  23. JimmyG Says:
  24. Great job today everyone!

    DNF at the 30 min mark. made it to the 6th DB clean before the buzzer.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 28:38 rx'd. This was horrific. I was burping of godfathers and keystone light the entire time! I am very tired and very stiff. Going to take a nap now

    Nick P
  27. BigD Says:
  28. DNF. Tried going as RX'd until OH squats. Just couldn't get them going so had to drop. Only made it through pullups before the 25 min. cutoff. Awesome job 8am!
  29. Allison H :) Says:
  30. Worked over night. Had intentions of getting off work full of energy from coffee drinking all night long and headin up to kill this wod!!!!.... but by the time I got off I was far too exhausted to make it in, lame excuse (I know)! Night shifts are almost over for me though :) I'm planning to make this up Tuesday so long as it's not snowing so much that I may biff it running all those 400s! ha!

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