Overhead Squat 1RM
followed by,
As many rounds in 12 minutes of:
10 Renegade Rows, 50#/35#
10 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
Click here to view demo. For each rep to count, the dumbbell must touch your body while both shoulders remains square/parallel to the ground. The rep will not count if the chest faces to the side, perpendicular to the ground.
Post overhead squat weight and rounds completed to comments.
Notice that the shoulders are parallel to the ground during the pull of the dumbbell. This constitutes a correct rep.
Did 12 rounds Rx'd on the metcon. Box jumps were much better as I wasn't taking that extra step in between each jump. Still need to work on being faster with these.
Great job 6 a.m. crew! Lots of PR's today which is terrific!!
Great work, 6am, and congrats to everyone on the new PRs!
132 (PR, finally blues on the bar)
8 rounds switched dumbbells starting at 2rd @35, 3@40 and 3@45 for 8 total.
Nice PR's guys!
186 = PR.
13 rounds on the metcon.
Box jumps continue to slow me down in metcons, so I was only able to complete 4 rounds today. too much standing there looking at the box and not jumping I guess.
Metcon: 8 rounds using 15#, that was a tough metcon
Great job 6am peeps ;u)
13 rounds + 4 rows for the metcon. Used 2 1.5 pood KBs for the rows and did step ups instead of box jumps.
Metcon - 10 rounds - s'd - used 25# dbs, jumps used 4 red bumpers, 1 blue, and 1 green to make it 24" (or as I saw it appeared same height as the 24" boxes so I hope I was close!)
Today was a good time, good working with ya gals Tara and Ashley!!!
Ran 3.5 miles outside on Keystone trail today after class with Jake - I'm loving this November weather! Flippy floppys year round!!
7 rounds for metcon; 20in box, 20# dbs. Great job 6am!!
6 rounds on the metcon. Rows were rx'd @ 50# DB's but I stacked 3 reds on a 24" box for the jumps, which made it about waist height (roughly 36" or so). I did this as a part of my new quest to develop a body that at least somewhat resembles that of an adult male.
Great work 6am, as usual.
9 rounds on the metcon, but my form was pretty shitty on the last few rounds of RRs.
OHS 104#. 12# PR for me. I am really happy about this. had time to 109. got it up with trouble locking it out. then lost it in the squat. darn. next time.
9 rounds on metcon. rows got tough, but this was a fun one.
You will get it next time! Sorry I didn't yell hard enough at you!
Ashley great job today!
New PR today. It felt real good too!
Only got 11 rounds today. The rows were tough but the box jumps were killing my arches in my feet by the 5th round. So I did them fairly slowly. Going to start working on strengthening my feet like Ricky said so hopefully they won't limit me soon. Then I'll have to find a new excuse :)
12 rounds rx'd. Liked this metcon a LOT - never done renegade rows before. I toyed with the idea of going heavier than rx'd until I actually tried them. 35# was plenty, thank you very much. Box jumps could have been faster - had trouble maintaining my rhythm.
Great job 5:30!