Tuesday 091110

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Someday I Will......

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12 Responses to "Tuesday 091110"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. Made up Sunday's WOD; did 131# for cleans and those felt really good.

    The overhead 400 meter walk was a nightmare!!! Thrusters killed me. I thought at the beginning this wouldn't be that bad; went Rx'd until the last 1/4; then dropped to 53#.

    Great job 6 a.m. class! That was tough.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Make up day. Did cleans, 4x1. Used 164# for the 4x1 then did a bonus rep @ 174#, which is my current 1rm, and I got it no problem. Hopefully this means some good gains when we do our next 1rm for cleans.

    Also did the Bataan Death March from Sunday with 88#. For some reason we didn't time it so I'm not sure how long it took, but I'm guessing I had about 6 penalties or so. Yeah, good times.
  5. paul Says:
  6. HA! Yeah, carrying any kind of weight to enterprise is always painful, but carrying it overhead was a special kind of torture. i did it Rx'ed and took about 5 penalties. I figured it was better to do the squats and save my shoulders, so whenever i had to lower it, i just dropped the sucker and did my 5 thrusters and 20 squats.

    Loved the cleans--did 2 at 198, and 2 at 208 (new PR).
  7. Gina Says:
  8. Came in and did Sundays. Cleans I got to 104, and they felt pretty good.
    I went rx'ed for the weighted walk (68 lbs), which was quite terrible. I stopped 4 times, each time I set the bar down. I figured I could give my arms a rest while I did the squats. It was fun trying to find a place to set the bar so it didn't roll down the hill. Untimed, I am guessing in the 15-20 min range.
  9. Jess Says:
  10. I also made up Sundays WOD. Used 73# for cleans and 33# for overhead walk. I didn't want to kill myself on the walk since I still had to teach class at 9am. It wasn't fun and still hurt like hell.

    Great job 6am peeps. Good to see all the new faces today. :)
  11. paul Says:
  12. Cool CFO-related story:

    I am going to spend a lot of time in Lexington, KY over the holidays with my gf and her family, and her Mom went to buy me a temporary membership at CF Lexington (sweet, I know). They asked her which crossfit I go to, and when she said Omaha they said we're the best one, and they think Joe is awesome (I guess they've been watching him on the main site)! They said as long as I bring them a CFO T-shirt, I can work out there as much as I want.

    Isn't that awesome? Represent, brothas and sistas!
  13. Steve Says:
  14. Great story Paul.

    Did cleans at 174, felt good and I'm ready for new 1 rep max.

    Overhead walk with 88 lbs, still had to drop it 3 times.
  15. Allison H :) Says:
  16. That's awesome Paul! You girlfriend's mom is cool for doing that for you too!!
  17. Cari Says:
  18. Wanted to work on handstands and dus so did around 25 mins (meant to do 30 but I was tired) of 3 handstand holds, 20 dus and a 250m row. Not sure how many rounds I got but handstands went great; only missed a few and they felt better than ever. Thanks again Kylie for your all help; you're the best!!!
  19. Cari Says:
  20. I also meant to say ... Paul, that is a really cool story; thanks for sharing!! Hope you have fun in Lexington!
  21. Addi Says:
  22. Benched 3x5 at 103#. Felt pretty good - still trying to get comfortable and keep my form consistent.

    Thanks for spotting, Pete! And thanks, Jimbo, for all the tips last Friday - helped a lot.
  23. Mark Says:
  24. Did Sunday's WOD. I cleaned 203# twice, which is 92.5% of my last 1RM and then I added another 5# for the last two. I never missed any rep but it got pretty tough squatting out of the catch. I need to work on my fron squat strength.

    Then did the OH walk, untimed. I used the Rx'd weight but Joe told us not to do the penalties. I probably stopped 8 times. This was pretty tough.

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