Nov 2009

Monday 091130

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Take part in active rest.

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6 Responses to "Monday 091130"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Good to be back in Omaha with the morning monsters. I did the run & pushups: 14:51. dag, it was cold out there!
  3. hannah eileen Says:
  4. did baseline 3. it was horrible. I freaking fell twice. 2 TIMES! What the hell!? It was ugly. I couldn't even string together more than 5 box jumps. I was 10 situps short of 5 rounds. Today was a bad day for me.
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. I hear you Hannah! I did baseline 3. It was REALLY terrible. I didn't fall, but I couldn't jump. (I could only string together 1 in a row) It was like someone packed 20 lbs of mashed potatoes and gravy on my ass. And I thought gravy was my friend. I guess not.....
  7. Paula Says:
  8. It's unanimous...baseline 3 was NOT fun!!!! Did 6 rds+ 3 HSC. Used 20" box jumps instead....yeah, I suck at em', but slowing getting better.

    Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!! It sure is good to be back to CFO after 4 days off!!!

    Great job 4:30!!!
  9. Allison H :) Says:
  10. Made up baseline 3 rx'd. 6 rounds completed and then 2 cleans when time was called. My legs were like jello! Only able to do box jumps half the time, otherwise kept moving with step ups. I almost fell a few times when jumping... yikes!

    Attempted working on double unders after this... I suck at double unders! Can only get 1 or 2 in a row... and then have to start over. Dammnit!!!
  11. Addi Says:
  12. FINALLY made up 1RM cleans - 154#, which is my previous max. I got under 159 a couple times, but not strong enough to stand it up.

    Then 3x5 bench @ 120#, which is my previous 5RM. Jimmy, you'll be proud - I didn't even let my shoulder slip out from under me... much.

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