Monday 091109

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Bench Press
You have 3, and only 3, warm-up sets that do not factor into the workout.
Once done with the warm-up sets, you then have 5 sets to move the most amount of weight for the most amount of reps.

The equation will be weight from each set x the amount of reps performed for each weight during its corresponding set = volume. Take volume from each set and add them together for your score.

There is a 5% penalty added to your final score every set you you go 10 reps or higher.
There is a 10% penalty added to your final score every set you go 20 reps or higher.
There is a 15% penalty added to your final score every set you go 30 reps or higher.
This pattern continues in a 5% rise indefinitely.

The goal is to balance out heavy enough with the right mix of reps.

Rest as needed between sets.

Example #1:


Example #2:
165x10=1650 (5% penalty)
165x10=1650 (5% penalty)
165x10=1650 (5% penalty)


Post score to comments.

Holy cow that is a big bench.

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13 Responses to "Monday 091109"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 4732 total score. This was an interesting WOD in trying to figure out what weights to use to maximize your score. I would do things differently next time.
  3. paul Says:
  4. This was a fun change of pace. Felt stronger than I expected to. I went for weight more than score, but I'm not sure lower weights would've helped me anyway. Ended up with 7498.

    Nice work, everyone at 6am!
  5. BigD Says:
  6. 8076 final score. Note to self, never start the first set on this one with only 11 reps. Thanks Paul and Eric for keeping me going. Defintely a fun one today!
  7. Gina Says:
  8. 5249 was my total score. I haven't bench pressed here before, only with baby weights elsewhere, so I had no idea where to start. Yay for calculators, that is too much math to do in your head in the morning.
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. I don't do Crossfit to improve my math skills. Just an added benefit, I suppose...worked with Libby, Sarah, Jen T, and Marcy today. Spent more time figuring out the best way to attack it than we did lifting. ha. finished at 3943.8 with a 10% penalty.
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. spent last time trying to figure out my best strategy for this today... but ended up doing it a bit differently...
    10% total penalty subtracted from score

    not as high of a number as I thought I would get, but I pushed myself more doing more weight in the beginning, and then more reps in the end :)

    great mathmatical skillz and big chests today nooners!
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. Lucky I brought my abacus today, because it paid off. Lifted approx 900 more lbs by burning out the last 2 sets at 135# 18 and 16 reps. Total with penalty was about 8100.

    Paul Antoniak cowboyed up today and blew past 11,000#. I need to have him with me the next time I decide to drink too much 'loud mouth soup'. : )
  15. BC Says:
  16. 4457. Ricky summed it up best when he told me "you're weak." Some people might take that as an insult. I take it as both the cold, hard truth and also a big motivator. Good stuff today.
  17. Eric C Says:
  18. Ricky,

    Check out the wide grip of the guy benching the 10,000 lbs. Also, he isn't griping the bar in the palmar crosses the hypothenar eminence.

    What's up with that?

    (I'm not sure if 'palmar sulcus' is actually a word, but it's the best way to describe the sunken in space between the thumb (thenar eminence) and pinky (hypothenar eminence))
  19. JimmyG Says:
  20. 7197 - the math was harder than the workout!!
  21. JimmyG Says:
  22. i mean 7917...stupid numbers!!
  23. kahrs Says:
  24. 7863 felt pretty good, wanted to go heavier but it wasn't happening. Great jon every one.
  25. Mark Says:
  26. 8265... I could have gotten about 600 more points if I didn't go up in weight but I wanted to do some heavier lifts to see what I was capable of. I did:

    For a total of 8700 minus 5% penalty = 8265.

    Fun workout today!

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