Nov 2009

Thursday 091119

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Snatch 1RM

Find your 1 rep max in the full snatch

Post weight to comments.

Strength Feats

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10 Responses to "Thursday 091119"

  1. Allison H :) Says:
  2. video = holy moly!
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. New PR on snatch of 97#; it took 5 tries to finally get it.

    Great job to the 6 a.m. crew as usual.

    I will be out of town until Thanksgiving; will hopefully do some WOD's while gone.
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. 143. No PR. If I could keep my stupid feet together after the 'jump' I could get 155 EASY. (Well, maybe not 'easy'') You just can't bottom out in a squat with your feet spread out ... like you are trying to do the splits... in a 1980's men's aerobic dance competition... In San Francisco none the less....
  7. Jess Says:
  8. 68#, 10# PR for me. My first attempt @ 68# was not pretty. I got it overhead then went to my knees (don't ask, I have no idea why) and thought well hell how am I gonna stand up now?!?! I sooooo wanted to throw a fit, GregMo style, because I was struggling with

    Amanda told me I could get it and just rest & calm myself and try it again. Second, attempt much better. I am happy with it, just need to work on getting stronger like Ricky says. Sounds so easy, yeah right.

    Great job 6am peeps. :u)
  9. Gina Says:
  10. No PR for me today, had trouble getting under the bar in the squat. No trouble getting the bar overhead, just trouble getting myself down.
  11. Addi Says:
  12. The good news is that I caught 115#.

    The bad news is that I caught it too far back and fell on my knees.

    The awesome news is that I stood it up (5#PR), and felt like a bad-ass. Just for a second. Then Joe rolled his eyes. Jerk.

    Was hoping for more, since I felt like I'd been making good progress with technique, but as many attempts as it took to get 103 and 110, I'm just happy to PR.
  13. Hilg Says:
  14. Can't wait to follow that Snatch-fest (stop snickering, Joe) with Helen tomorrow! My poor joints. ;-)

    10# PR at 120 pounds....just can't finish at more weight!

    Awesome job, Addi....I'm in awe.
  15. paula Says:
  16. No PR for me on the snatch...stayed the same. This week has been exhausting for me. Need a rest day tomorrow...mentally and physically. See ya all on saturday.
  17. ZachR Says:
  18. Snatch 1RM - 213# (PR)

    Attempted 218 twice with no luck.

    Good work to everyone at 4:30 today.
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

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