Sunday 091115

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Back Squat 1RM

Find your 1 rep max in the low-bar back squat.

followed by,

5 rounds for time of:
6 Snatches, 154#/107#
3 rounds of 5 Pull-ups, 10 Pushups, and 15 Air Squats or (3 rounds of Cindy)

Snatches can be full, power, or split. Use whichever will allow the most amount of weight.

Post squat weight and met-con time to comments.

Bar placement determines back angle if the bar is kept over the middle of the foot (base of support).

The gym will be open at 1PM (thanks Dave).

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6 Responses to "Sunday 091115"

  1. BigD Says:
  2. Gym open at 1PM?
  3. JimmyG Says:
  4. 374 for the Back Squat, DNF on the metcon...those snatches were heavy! (That's what she said)
  5. paul Says:
  6. Damn, Jimbo! you're a beast!
  7. BC Says:
  8. 252# back squat, 11# PR.

    Metcon DNF.

    Great Sunday, nice job everyone!
  9. Gdawg Says:
  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
  11. JimmyG Says:
  12. Thanks Paul! Bear in mind that PaulAnt squated more than I can deadlift today. That was impressive to watch.

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