i felt absolutely miserable afterward. worse than kalsu. worse than fran. it was awful. i felt better after i ate a banana, but it took fully 10 minutes before i felt human again. i don't know why it hit me that hard today, but it did.
Great job everyone at 9am, and Jake, you DESTROYED this one, bro!
Went 70's Big on Helen today - 200m run, 21 2-pood swings and 12 strict pullups, with a 10 minute cutoff. Got through 5 pullups on the second round when time ended. That 2 pood is the devil. Nice job 8am crew, and nice working with you Kahrs, very groovy.
14:18 rx'd. It was cold and my hands hurt a lot. Went for my 1RM on the clean and got to 242. Not a PR. I'm having a mental block about getting under the bar. I have the same problem with the snatch too (that's what she said) Like they told me at the Basic Barbell cert..."It's easy, you just have to get stronger."
BURRRRR! My fingers felt like they had frostbite and my lungs were not ventilating well due hypothermia!! I felt sick after this one, nauseated big time! Lungs still ache! Can you tell I do not like being cold!? haha... It was hard to do the kbs and pu's when the metal was freezing and my hands were freezing as well... but s***! At least I finished... 14:45 or 14:55??? Rx'd. I didn't even look at my time, I just had to get home b/c i felt ill! I know it was before the cutoff thank goodness!
8938 L Street Omaha, Ne 68127 crossfitomaha@gmail.com
Ricky Frausto Jr.
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Run/Endurance Certified
Nutrition Certified Ricky's Training Blog
Joe Westerlin
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Kids Certified
Gymnastics Certified
KettleBell Certified
great job this morning, crew
i felt absolutely miserable afterward. worse than kalsu. worse than fran. it was awful. i felt better after i ate a banana, but it took fully 10 minutes before i felt human again. i don't know why it hit me that hard today, but it did.
Great job everyone at 9am, and Jake, you DESTROYED this one, bro!
Great job today everyone!!