Clean 3x2 @ 87.5%
followed by,
5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:
2 Arm DB Split Snatch Right
2 Arm DB Split Snatch Left
Right Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Right
Right Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Left
Left Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Right
Left Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Left
Rest in the following manner between rounds: 60s/45s/30s/15s
Carry a DB in each hand. Guys use 35 pounds and gals use 20 pound dumbbells.
Post clean weight and total met-con time to comments.

Brian Christiansen
68# for cleans and 9:37 for the metcon using 15# db's
Great job 6am peeps. :u)
metcon I only used 15# bc of my shoulder. finished in 8:24. should have just gone rx'd.
great job nooners!
Cleans 3 x 2 = 230lbs
Metcon = not a clue... :-)
What's up????
3x2 175.
Metcon: 11:11
Paul and Big D, nice job posting even though you didn't work out today.
Metcon - 8:07 rx'd - MUCH better than yesterday... my splits got a little sloppy here and there, and my brain shut down at the ends of rounds 4 and 5. Otherwise, kind of fun.
Beware the gnarly gnurling.
Donohoe is out....