Wednesday 091007

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Clean 3x2 @ 87.5%

followed by,

5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:
2 Arm DB Split Snatch Right
2 Arm DB Split Snatch Left
Right Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Right
Right Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Left
Left Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Right
Left Arm, DB Hang Split Snatch Left

Rest in the following manner between rounds: 60s/45s/30s/15s

Carry a DB in each hand. Guys use 35 pounds and gals use 20 pound dumbbells.

Post clean weight and total met-con time to comments.

Brian Christiansen

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13 Responses to "Wednesday 091007"

  1. paul Says:
  2. i love heavy cleans almost as much as i love heavy deadlifts, but i am reluctantly taking a rest day.
  3. Gina Says:
  4. I got to 99# cleans today, 9:41 for the metcon.
  5. Jess Says:
  6. It feels great to be back after being drugged up for 2 days. Migraine headaches are the worst.

    68# for cleans and 9:37 for the metcon using 15# db's

    Great job 6am peeps. :u)
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. cleans felt good today. got up to 109#
    metcon I only used 15# bc of my shoulder. finished in 8:24. should have just gone rx'd.
    great job nooners!
  9. Brandon Says:
  10. ...shoulders...are...fried...

    Cleans 3 x 2 = 230lbs
    Metcon = not a clue... :-)

  11. BigD Says:
  12. Hope to be at 6AM tomorrow. Eye infections suck! But don't worry. Got a clean bill of health from the doc.
  13. Eric C Says:
  14. 6 posts on this blog for the entire day?
    What's up????
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. Oh yeah, my post:
    3x2 175.
    Metcon: 11:11

    Paul and Big D, nice job posting even though you didn't work out today.
  17. B3nj4m1n Says:
  18. Cleans at 190, metcon 9:40 rx'd. My feet and hands got confused a few times. My shoulders are feeling it now and my shruggers will probably feel it tomorrow. Great job 4:30!
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
  21. Courtney Bright Says:
  22. 92# for the cleans and did the metcon with 15#. My shoulders pretty sore right now so I am glad I didn't go rx'd.
  23. Addi Says:
  24. 135# for cleans - the wide stance felt fine, but the wide grip is going to take some getting used to.

    Metcon - 8:07 rx'd - MUCH better than yesterday... my splits got a little sloppy here and there, and my brain shut down at the ends of rounds 4 and 5. Otherwise, kind of fun.

    Beware the gnarly gnurling.
  25. Donohoe Says:
  26. finished cleans with 115 and used 50pd dumbells for metcon took 12 minutes. It was a good work out.
    Donohoe is out....

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