On the minute, every minute, for 30 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
Set up before a clock, and every minute on the minute perform 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats. Can you continue for thirty minutes? Twenty minutes? How about 10?
If you overlap into the next minute, finish that round, but wait until the next minute before continuing. For example, if I am on the 13th rep of air squats when the next minute starts, I will finish the remaining two squats but will then rest for the remainder of that minute (could be 50 secs) before continuing on to the next round. If the overlap only happens once, the whole 30 minutes, your completed rounds (score) can only be 29 now. And so on....
Post results to comments.
Chad Cox shows us full extension and force into the bar in order to give himself the best opportunity to get that bar overhead during a thruster rep.
A notice to all that a nutrition seminar has been scheduled for Saturday, October 31st. The time has yet to be determined but expect it to last about 2 hours. Mark those calendars.
24 rds. I think I stayed on schedule until rd 13.
If you are ever feeling unmotivated, just set up between Eric C and Greg Mo. Those guys work damn hard!
17 rounds Rx'd. I was guessing I would be able to get somewhere between 15 and 20 so I can't be too disappointed, though it would've been nicer to be closer to 20. Just need to work on those pushups...and apparently opening up my hip all the way on those squats. Nice job morning crew.
22 rounds NOT rx'd though. Jumping pullups and pushups from my knees. Even though I wasn't doing this workout rx'd, it is good to set up by someone that is a machine (like GregO'Kief) and try to keep pace with them.
Great job 6am peeps ;u)
Great Job Jen S and the rest of the 4:30 crew!
Chelsea is dumb and I hate it. 18 rounds - moved to the knees for pushups in the 3rd round. Probably shouldn't have done 10 in a row for the first 2. Who the hell do I think I am? (Not that it made a huge difference, but I maybe could have waited until round 5 to scale.)
My left shoulder was DYING.