Tuesday 091006

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Push Jerk 3x2 @ 87.5%
Work up to 87.5% of your 1RM and perform 3 sets of 2 reps at that weight. Perform over half of your warm-up sets at lighter weights, then progress to your working sets quickly.

followed by,

DB Clean & Jerk Complex
5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:
Right Arm: Full Squat Clean
Split Jerk Right
Right Arm: Full Squat Clean
Split Jerk Left
Left Arm: Full Squat Clean
Split Jerk Right
Left Arm: Full Squat Clean
Split Jerk Left

Rest 60 seconds b/w rounds 1 and 2, 45 seconds b/w rounds 2 and 3, 30 seconds b/w rounds 3 and 4, and 15 seconds b/w rounds 4 and 5.

Carry a DB in each hand. Guys use 40 pound dbs while the ladies use 25 pound dbs.

Post push jerk weight and total met-con time to comments.

Crystal proceeds to lock out a push press in front of an awesome crowd of spectators during our FGB fundraiser.

I have started to post the mid-line stability series of videos to the videos of interest of section. I recommend that you give these videos a look. They are help us to understand, from a corrective movement standpoint, how to keep our spines in correct alignment at all times.

If you have tight shoulders and/or hips, keeping your mid-line stabilized is even tougher for you. This in turn makes workouts harder and/or poses more of a threat to your body in terms of possible injury.

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9 Responses to "Tuesday 091006"

  1. paul Says:
  2. feeling pretty beat up, so i took it easy today. jerked 132, used 25s and 30s for most of the metcon.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I counted Crystal and she rocked it out for FGB4. Great job Crystal!!
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. Felt good w/ 3x2 at 179.

    Kind of a different MetCon today. I'm not sure if it was supposed to work on my clean/jerk or my IQ.

    kno wundr i had trubble finishng.
  7. Shelley Says:
  8. Did 119# 3x2 on push jerk; last set was my best, but it is still ugly.

    Did metcon Rx'd in 9:28.

    Thanks for the tips on improving/increasing flexibility. Will watch the videos and start doing these daily.

    Great job 5:30 class!!
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. I was so freaking confused on that metcon. I split cleaned one and cleaned with both arms once. Man, I do CF so I don't have to think. Bastards. Anywho, no idea on the time, because I am pretty sure we didn't start at 0:00 since the first round took about 8 min. Either way, I BEAT ZachR! WOOT! I finished when the clock said 15:03.
    Push jerk felt awful today. My shoulder hasn't fully recovered from snatches about a week ago. Did 104 thanks to Paula. Great job 4:30!
  11. Brandon Says:
  12. I wasn't sure how the push jerks would go today, but they weren't quite as bas as I had pictured them. I got the first set both overhead and locked, but on the second and third sets, the #2 rep just wouldn't lock... I was pretty smoked at that point. I got the first set, so I did better than I thought.

    Push Jerks 3 x 2 = 265lbs
    Metcon = 12:09-ish

  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
  15. Courtney Bright Says:
  16. 3x2 at 77#, I really need to work on keeping the elbows up!! I scaled the metcon to 15#. The metcon was just as horable as ever, but I kindof enjoyed it.

    Also, I am going to be out of town this weekend so my 9am spot will be open if anyone wants it. E-mail me at
  17. Addi Says:
  18. 3x2 at 124# - felt pretty good.

    Metcon = lower back death. I was squatting WAY too low, and I started to seize up a little. Quit after the first 2 reps of the round of 2. I think it was partly because I made up the deadlifts the night before. Ow.

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