Wednesday 091028

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
30 Snatches for time @ 132/88 pounds

These can be full snatches, power snatches, or even split snatches.

Post time to comments.

GDawg, Danielle, and Gina at the Petersen bonfire. (Jimbo and Kahrs in the background)

We are hosting a nutrition seminar on Saturday from 11AM to 1PM. All are welcome to come and learn a little about a lot. If you are interested, you must click on the sign-up here link in the middle column under the CrossFit Omaha Events section to the right. The cost is $10 for members and $20 for non-members.

We will be covering a lot of topics that we have gone over in the past as well as some new ones. We'll hit on the zone and paleo diets some but our main goal is to present some ideas on how to begin a dietary change from scratch. It is sometimes hard for many of us to start on a sound nutritional plan and stay with it. Not a lot of us have a ton of money to blow even though we know that it is worth it. Hopefully Joe and I can point you in the right direction.

We will also discuss the role of food on health, longevity, and performance. This includes auto-immune disease, calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, post-workout, and many other issues surrounding everyday life. We hope you can join us.

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12 Responses to "Wednesday 091028"

  1. Jeff S Says:
  2. Rick - Would you mind adding Tuesday's workout to LogWod? Thanks.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Is Gina a sorceress? Why the hell is she holding the glowing Orb of Grayskull in her hands? What kind of weird, sacrfice-to-the-gods bonfire was this anyway?!?
  5. paul Says:
  6. BC: HA! so true.
  7. Hilg Says:
  8. 3:41 at eyes are finally un-crossing. Abe rocked the Rx'd version....heard him "call it" behind me and took time to exhale a "jeezuz".

    Tried to pull off the Pullups after an only got to 12 of 17 on the second set....too much lat work already...will try again tomorrow.

  9. Eric C Says:
  10. My back isn't sore from the WOD.... but I bend over occasionally at work (No comments BC! :) ) and I could feel some little twinges. So, be careful after doing this.

    Ricky, can you email me the recipe for the Zone bars you made for the football party? There have been some guests requesting it.
  11. paul Says:
  12. 6:33 at 110. could've pushed it a little, but technique wasn't great as it was. tough lift for me.

    all of you who did this rx'd...props!
  13. BigD Says:
  14. 6:38 with 110. Went RX'd for the first three reps and realized I was way out of my depth, so backed it down a notch. Maybe next time.
  15. Shelley Says:
  16. 6:14 at 77. Didn't feel as heavy as I thought it would based on warmups with 63#.

    Good job 6:30!
  17. kahrs Says:
  18. 7:45 rxed, need to focus on getting under the bar.
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. was reeeeeally sick in the GI area today... snatches would have been a little touchy for me... Hope tomorrow feels a little better
  21. Gdawg Says:
  22. This comment has been removed by the author.
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Snatch is the new deadlift.

    4:03 rx'd. Shoulda/coulda/woulda gotten under 4 if I hadn't rested when I didn't need to. Story of my life. :)

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