For time:
30 Dead-lifts
200 meter run
15 Dead-lifts
400 meter run
5 Dead-lifts
800 meter run
5 Dead-lifts
400 meter run
15 Dead-lifts
200 meter run
30 Dead-lifts
Rx'd weight for this workout is 40% of 1RM. This can be a very dangerous workout if correct movement is not retained the whole time. The very fact that light weight is being used can be cause for concern. Be diligent about keeping form.
Post time to comments.
Mark Petersen.
Great job 6 a.m.! Weather was perfect for running.
Checked out the 1st copy of the CFO newsletter, What an awesome step for our gym!!! I love the articles from members, can't wait for the next edition! Great job guys!!!
ps: Shelly i'm pretty sure you got 11:49...
Great job to Gina who gutted it out to finish strong.
Super strong work 4:30!
15:51 rx'd @ 104#
I keep waiting for a journal video that says running has no effect on fitness and that Crossfit will no longer include WODs that include a run...In my dreams!! I guess I'm gonna have to suck it up and get better at running.
I have a feeling I am gona hurt tomorrow.
Great job 6am peeps!!! :u)
I think you got 13:48 cause you beat me and i got 14:24
Different Jess