"Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box Jumps, 24 inch box
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunges, 50 steps
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press, empty bar
50 Goodmornings, empty bar
50 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14# ball
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Back extensions will be replaced with empty bar goodmornings. Please do not show up early or ask to do the workout at a different time, other than normal class times.
Cut-off time is 30 minutes.
Post time to comments.
A pic from last year's Petersen bonfire.
24:08. couldn't quite catch that speedy bastard Clements!
Great job 6am peeps. :u)
Paul, why do I have to be a bastard? Why can't Jeff S. be a bastard? He's younger AND better looking than we are. : )
also, congrats on the muscle up, BC!
Holy crap!! I agree Hannah...that sucked!! A big DNF for me. Did 25 x2. Got through second round with 14 wall balls, the burpees and dbl unders left.
Great job, Zachr for beating your previous FF by 5"! Awesome work 4:30!
Hope your feeling better Allison!
And another great job to those who contributed to the newsletter! It's awesome!
Great job to the 6:30 class!
Was going to work on handstands w/ Kylie after but my arms were shot. I've been doing some 1 on 1s with her since handstands drive me crazy and I'm sick of feeling frustrated by them. After our 1st hour she'd helped me fix them a ton and they just keep getting better; soon I might actually be looking forward to seeing them in a workout. If anyone has things that frustrate you or you just want to get better at something I'd highly recommend working with any of the trainers 1 on 1; it's so helpful and they're great!! THANKS Kylie!!!
great work 4:30