Monday 091005

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Great time to make up any of the lifts you may have missed.

Another picture of what the gym looked like before CrossFit.

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7 Responses to "Monday 091005"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Off work at 9 this morning, so I'll be powerballing until noon class. My forearms are going to be HUGE!

    Also, still waiting for that picture of Jon Day.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. Made up Saturday's WOD. Did 285X3 on DL for last set and did metcon in 10:58 which is a DNF; started w/ 63# and dropped to 53# after first round. Presses sucked.......

    Addi, maybe I can borrow your powerball so when Ricky makes up the WOD using it, I'll be prepared:)
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. First day back at almost full strenght, I have not decided what is worse a ankle injury or a cold that will not got away.
    DL 225, 246, 276,296, so not too bad, also finished wod in 742 so a good start to MOnday...
  7. paul Says:
  8. made up yesterdays (did 800m rows and 98# OHS). 17:00. ouch! my lower back and hamstrings were killing me the whole time. it made it really hard to stay on my heels for the OHS.
  9. B3nj4m1n Says:
  10. Did DL's up to 36?, did metcon got a DNF finished a little after time was called at 10 minutes still had to do 2-2-1-1-1. The presses were tough, got the shaky leg a few times. Great job 4:30 maker uppers!
  11. Brandon Says:
  12. Worked up to 350 x 3 on deadlift, but I should've went heavier. Did the back squat/press/deadlift metcon... the presses were tough!

    As RX'd w/88lbs = 8:30

  13. Addi Says:
  14. Deadlifts up to 262 - couldn't get 285 off the ground. Just tired this week...

    I really wanted to do the bar complex metcon, but I decided to skip it since I'll be in the next 3 days.

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