Thursday 091001

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Shelley Buchholz

A big reminder that the Buddy Walk is this Saturday starting at 9:30 AM on the running track at UNO. Come out and support Brady by walking with him and his brigade.

Everyone is meeting at the southwest corner of the track at 9:15. Be on the look out for the big flag that has Brady's Brigade on it. Everyone is also asked to wear a black top of some sort to denote who you are.

The Shannon family and CrossFit Omaha would like to send a big thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of this event. Hope to see you there.

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9 Responses to "Thursday 091001"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. I wish I could come support him but I have to work!! I did it last's crowded as hell on the track but it's a blast to see everyone! HAVE A GREAT TIME EVERYONE!!

  3. Jen Says:
  4. A big thank you to the CFO staff and members for all the support. The Buddy Walk is about building acceptance and inclusion for people with Down Syndrome, and I think CFO shares the same values. No matter a person's ability they are welcome to join our clan and encouraged to push themselves to become their best self. Thanks again. We are humbled by all the love.
    - Jeff, Jen and Brady
  5. Steve Says:
  6. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town this weekend and can't make the Brady Walk. Which also means my 9 am slot is open if someone needs it.

  7. Steve Says:
  8. And good luck to all those competing in the Next Level Games. Take pictures- I want to see Addi pulling a train with a steel cable in her teeth!
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. I came in today over lunch and did 5x5 back squat and 1rm jerk. The 5x5 got tough, I nearly fell over on rep 4 of rounds 4&5. Finished at 149. With the push jerk, I was tired and my shoulder started to hurt. I got up to 109, which is my push press 1rm. Great job to the 8(ish) others who worked out at noon today.
  11. Shelley Says:
  12. Looking forward to the Next Level Games. It should be a lot of fun!!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Made up back squats-5x5-151#. Practiced a few of many weaknesses-pullups and double unders.

    I would love to do the Brady walk, but I'm on call. I'm sure it will be a good time!!

    Good luck to everyone competing in the Next Level Games- Give em' Hell!

  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Hello friends! I am going to be taking part in Brady's Brigade, so my 9:00 spot is open to anyone that would like it. Good luck to all the people competing this weekend! I'm sure you'll all do awesome!

    Angie Thomas
  17. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  18. I did tuesday's push press and metcon. DNF on Metcon only got 4 rounds with 68#, that was a hard one!!

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