Wednesday 090916

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Snatch 3 x 3 @ 80% only (don't go heavier)

Warm-up (about 5 to 7 sets) in the snatch to 80% of your 1RM. Complete 3 sets of 3 reps at this percentage. If you do not have a 1RM established, follow a rep scheme of 5 sets of 3 reps and establish a 3RM.

followed by,

Power Clean & Press 12, 9, and 6 reps

Touch and go at the floor only. Even a re-grip at the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use the same load for all sets. Rest as needed between sets.

Post weight used for snatch and weight used for clean and press to comments.

Basically what we are doing, right?

On October 3rd, there is an event called the Buddy Walk. This event supports the raising of both awareness and funds for Downs Syndrome and is in it's 8th year. It will take place on the running track surrounding the football field at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

CrossFit Omaha is a proud supporter of this cause and hopefully you will do your part by either committing to join in on the walk or donating some of your money.

For more information on how to become a part of this wonderful event, contact Jen Shannon (a listing is posted in the gym) or visit the Buddy Walk website. Thank you for all your help.

Pay a visit to Brady Shannon's (Jen's wonderful son) personal Buddy Walk page as well and sponsor him.

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15 Responses to "Wednesday 090916"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. LOVE that shirt!!! I swam some laps at lifetime tonight and got a grad tour of the place...what a cluster fuck of machines...and I had to laugh at the free weight rules posted on the walls...LAAAAAAAAAAME!!! I did use the sauna and steam room though...I think crossfit needs one of those :-) jk!! see ya'll will be nice to get back after a weekend of camping/drinking!!!

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Did 68# on snatch for each of the 3 x 3 and 68# on the power clean and press 12-9-6.

    Good job 6 a.m. class!

  5. paul Says:
  6. this was awesome--just pure pleasure. snatch felt better than ever--worked up to 110.

    used 93 for the first 2 rds of the c&p, then 108 for the last one.
  7. Gina Says:
  8. I used 63# for the snatch, that seemed to get better by the third set.
    I went to 68# for the clean and press. That was tough, but seemed to go okay. Nice job everyone!
  9. Jess Says:
  10. Used 48# on snatches(even missed a few and landed on my butt) and men's bar for power clean and press. That really started to burn on the 2/3 round.

    Great job 6am peeps. :u)
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Sorry I missed class this morning... Noon just isn't the same. Ha.
    Since I have such a sad 1RM for snatch I did not have a hard time with 3x3. I used 77.
    68# for the cleans and push press.
    And I found out what I do wrong with my cleans! FInally I can start to fix it! Thanks Ricky and Joe.
    Good job at noon everyone.
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. snatch sets= 157#
    clean & press= 98, 108, 132

    worked off of a snatch 1-RM of 198, missed a few, just not very sound in my snatch tech this morning...clean & press felt a little better, still alot tuffer then i thought it would be tho...

    nice work from a huge 6am class!!!
  15. Paula Says:
  16. Check out Joe's interview on the main site- Awesome!
    We definitely have world class coaches @ CFO- Be proud people!!

    If you feel you need to work on some of those weaknesses- sign up with Jon! It is definitely worth the money. Rita and I felt we got our moneys worth in the first session. Thanks, Jon!
  17. Courtney B Says:
  18. Didn't do snatch, 45# bar for the clean and press.
  19. Mark Says:
  20. 132# for the 3x3 snatch then used 132# for the clean and press as well. I got the first 12 and then I missed on the next round and only got 8. I should have rested a little more. Then finished the round of 6.
  21. Jen S Says:
  22. Snatch 73 for 3x3 and 73 for the clean and PP. The workout felt good. I have some work to do on the snatch.
  23. Danielle Says:
  24. I was out goþlfing today so missed this one. Not sure when I will be able to make it up.
  25. BC Says:
  26. Had to miss 6am because of work and came in at 6:30 instead. Great people there, but it was definitely odd, I'm used to starting my workout in the dark and finishing as the sun comes up, not the opposite.

    At any rate, used 84# for the snatches. They've come a long way just in the last few months but I still have a tendancy of swinging the bar out on the way up. Didn't affect me too much tonight but that's definitely one of the things holding me back from getting heavier snatches. Well that and the fact that I'm a wuss.

    As for the clean and press I used 88# and had no fouls. All in all it went really well. After driving to Sioux Falls and back today my lower back was a little stiff so I'll take it.

    Nice job everyone.
  27. Gdawg Says:
  28. This comment has been removed by the author.
  29. Addi Says:
  30. snatch - 88#
    These felt pretty good - got a little better at the jump ("You do hump a lot." Thanks, Ricky. You're a gem.) and not breaking my wrists.

    PC & Press - 75# for the 12 and 9. 12 was tough, but 9 felt way too light, so I went up to 88# for the 6. Tough, but good.

    5:30 was a lot of fun.. Mark, those presses were ridiculous - I think they helped me get through the last round though.

Thanks For Visiting!