Tuesday 090915

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

This is a great time to make up 1RMs that you may have missed. You may even want to get two in if you have the time. Stray from met-con if at all possible, especially if you are going to be in the next three days.

Starting on Wednesday, we start the cycle of lifts over again, beginning with Snatch. Those that have a one rep max will be using percentages off of their one rep maxes.

Greg Petersen

Both the 8AM and 9AM classes have been filled and are no longer available times to the rest of the gym. Should you want to get in on one of these classes, there is a waiting list on the whiteboard.

Some of those that are already in the 8 and 9AM slots will be out of town from time to time and they will be letting those on the waiting list know so that you may fill their spot while they are gone.

If someone from the 8AM or 9AM time slots, for whatever reason, misses two Saturdays in a row, their spot is forfeited and given to the next person in line. You will then be placed at the end of the waiting list for the time slot you once held. Again, this will happen no matter what the reason is.

I don't want to be rude but if you show up at 8 or 9AM and you are not on the list and/or not replacing someone, you will have to wait until 10AM to workout. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for understanding. This will be re-iterated in classes throughout the week.

Ten AM will remain a class that is team based.

When a rest day falls on a Saturday, such as this Saturday, there will be no 8AM class, 9AM will be used for make-ups, and 10AM will be for team workouts.

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18 Responses to "Tuesday 090915"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Making up clean and back squat today.

    2 1RMs and no metcon allowed? Best Tuesday ever.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Greg P--a die hard morning monster, and chief of the Petersen Crossfit Dynasty.
  5. BC Says:
  6. Greg P, the P stands for "Pullup-Machine"
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. In this morning since i'm going to be out of town again this wkend, so my Sat 9am spot is open for whoever needs it...

    Jeff S and I played around with tires and sledge hammers a bit then we put together a make shift strong man circuit in preparation for the next level games coming up on Oct. 3rd:

    with 20lb vest on:
    10 big tire flips
    25 sledge hammers
    125m farmers walk with 2 2pood KBs
    25 DL (352#)

    = 8:18

    whew!!...DLs where the toughest part, vest made everything go alot slower...wish there was a way to simulate the truck pull and prowler push/pull with the equip we have, any ideas anyone?

    Good job to all 6amers killin the 1-RMs this morn...PS: Greg P is a beast!!!
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 1RM makeup day. Backsquat 264#. Shoulder press 165#. (No PR's today) It's crazy looking over and seeing Rob Pushpress what I'm deadlifting. (Thanks Joe W for pointing that out to me)

    Greg Mo. How about tying a rope to your vehicle in the parking lot and pulling it around?

    Some kids piss their names into the snow. Greg P pisses his name into concrete.
  11. linds Says:
  12. Made up 1RM clean and 1RM push press with Hannah.
    1RM Clean - 143# (PR)
    1RM push press - 121# (PR)
    Good job, Hannah.
  13. Brandon Says:
  14. I came in at 12pm today and did some 1RMs with the nooners. Zach, thanks for letting me work in on your sets buddy. I think I could've went heavier on the cleans, but a PR is a PR. :-)

    Push Jerk = 300lbs PR!
    Clean = 265lbs PR!

  15. Eric C Says:
  16. Greg P's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
  17. hannah eileen Says:
  18. in at noon. worked with Lindsey on cleans and presses. she rocked it - and sorry I didtched out on you, but I made it to work on time!
    clean - 121
    press - 109
    o, and greg p is a rockstar.
  19. Steve Says:
  20. Push press 198, wanted to break 200 but think I went up too slowly. Last record of PP was 172 x 2 in Jan, which is body weight. Want to break the 200 barrier, then go for 212 (which is 125% bodyweight), although I hate getting wrapped up in numbers...
    but just in case I decide to set percentages as a goal, how about:

    The 100/200 club
    (percent of body weight)
    Deadlift- 200
    Backsquat- 175
    Bench Press- 150
    Push Press- 125
    Thruster- 100
  21. Becky Says:
  22. I made up back squat and push press today. Got 163# for back squat and 107# push press...Not too shabby.
  23. Brian Says:
  24. Dropped into the gym unannounced at 2:00pm. Should have called ahead and caught John in his "pre-workout". Thanks for letting me get my 1RM in today, John!

    20 Pull-ups - Totally surprised myself here....only expected 10 but still short of Superman Greg P!

    Backsquat 305

    I'm off to the mountains for the next 10 days....Elk Hunting with my Bow, it's how I roll. ;-) If successful we'll have a wild-game feed in the back lot! 20% odds but I'm due. (Maybe I need Grep P along to make it a sure thing?!) I'll be looking forward to catching up when I get back.

  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. When the boogy man goes to bed he has his mom check the closet for Greg lie

    Nick P
  27. Eric C Says:
  28. Brian,

    Greg P doesn't go hunting (that would imply there is a chance of failure). Greg P goes killing.

    Take him with you.
  29. BC Says:
  30. There is no theory of evolution, only the animals that Greg P has allowed to live.
  31. BC Says:
  32. Greg P is currently suing NBC as "Law and Order" are trademarked names for his right and left legs.
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Back squat - 203# - 5# short of my previous PR, but I wasn't really expecting anything fantastic out of it. I was just happy to get that much.

    Clean - 154# - I've power cleaned this before, but it's a 22# PR for squat clean, so I'm thrilled. Was able to get under 159, but I just need to show those damn spirit fingers at the top.

    Nice work 5:30!
  35. Allison H :) Says:
  36. filthy SNATCHES!!!!!

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