Sep 2009

Tuesday 090922

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
30 Muscle-Ups for time

We will spend the majority of the time working skill and practicing the necessary movements that will lead to a muscle-up. Even if you have muscle-ups, this is a great time to work and strengthen the transition.

Post time to comments.

Robb Riggs

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11 Responses to "Tuesday 090922"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 17:35

    this was tough! i wasn't sure I could get all 30. had 29 sub-15 but missed about 5 times before i got number 30.

    thanks for the encouragement, everyone, and great job to all those who came in to work on these, especially those of you who got 30!
  3. BC Says:
  4. This was a great tutorial today. I spent most of the time working on the knees/toes/pull-up/dip-thingy, focusing on the transition and trying to build that muscle memory. If I can get the strict pullup I'm pretty sure I can get the full muscle up now. My shoulder was a little too fried to try it today but I'll give it a go this week yet before I forget everything. Nice job everyone.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. Today was a lot of fun, but frustrating as hell. I got ONE pretty easily during the warmup, and then ZERO once the timer started. Z. E. R. O. My body just forgot how to kip. It was dumb.

    Nice work, everyone! As much as I was not happy with today, I know the practice helped a lot - I think there are going to be a lot of people making the muscle-up board soon... Pete and Tyler - you made those 30 look easy.
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. turns out, if you don't work on the things that lead up to a muscle can't get one. still looking for my first one! did progressions, dips, and narrow grip pushups. Then, just for fun, threw in Annie. Great job, nooners!
    Addi, at least you got your 1 when everyone was watching!
  9. Brandon Says:
  10. Good times at 4:30 today. I got my first strict muscle up after a little warm-up. :-)

    As RX'd = 12:13

  11. Jess Says:
  12. Hey everyone that is going to the Next Level Games in Lawrence, KS!!!!

    I am in the process of having my mother check on hotel rooms for Oct 2nd & 3rd. She is a travel agent and has the capability of getting hotel rooms cheap. Who all needs a room? Is anyone interested in room sharing/car pooling? Let me know, sooner the better. Thanks, Jess
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Jess! You are a life saver! I was chatting with JonDay and we were both a little freaked out by the possibility of having to spend $170/night on hotel rooms. I am down for room sharing and/or carpooling (as long as everyone knows that if you are riding in my car, we are totally jamming to Miley Cyrus the whole weekend in honor of her concert in Lawrence. I heart her.) Email me any details: Thanks Jess! You're super (despite your lame-o of a boyfriend).
  15. Allison C Says:
  16. Working on muscle up movements today was fun. I felt awkward doing all the movements from the floor and dips, but it helped my body to understand the movement even more. And when Ricky spotted me on higher rings I REALLY realized all that goes into getting up above the rings! Whoa! I'm glad I got to practice these today! I need to work on them much MUCH more! great work 4:30 - had to bounce out early for work :)
  17. Addi Says:
  18. Jess, I'm in... and I request a strictly Miley Cyrus-free car. Love you Jen, but no. :)
  19. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  20. it was nice to work on muscle-ups today. I know it is going to take some consistent practice to get one....let alone 30. Some people make it look so easy...bastards :)
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Jess, I'm still in. I'm planning on riding with you, Brian, and Addi if that's still the plan. I'm up for room sharing as well.....I don't snore:) I am hoping my back is 100% by then too.


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