30 Muscle-Ups for time
We will spend the majority of the time working skill and practicing the necessary movements that will lead to a muscle-up. Even if you have muscle-ups, this is a great time to work and strengthen the transition.
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Robb Riggs
this was tough! i wasn't sure I could get all 30. had 29 sub-15 but missed about 5 times before i got number 30.
thanks for the encouragement, everyone, and great job to all those who came in to work on these, especially those of you who got 30!
Nice work, everyone! As much as I was not happy with today, I know the practice helped a lot - I think there are going to be a lot of people making the muscle-up board soon... Pete and Tyler - you made those 30 look easy.
Addi, at least you got your 1 when everyone was watching!
As RX'd = 12:13
I am in the process of having my mother check on hotel rooms for Oct 2nd & 3rd. She is a travel agent and has the capability of getting hotel rooms cheap. Who all needs a room? Is anyone interested in room sharing/car pooling? Let me know, sooner the better. Thanks, Jess