Sep 2009

Monday 090921

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Clean 3 x 3 @ 80%

This is from the floor to a full squat. If you are still trying to learn the movement and/or make better the technique, use as many sets as needed to do so.

followed by,

"Heavy Fran"
15-12-9 reps of:
135/93 pound Thruster
45/25 pound Weighted Pull-ups

Post clean weight and met-con to comments.

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9 Responses to "Monday 090921"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Brutal. my shoulder did not love that, but on the other hand, it wasn't long ago that I wouldn't have been able to do the cleans, let alone heavy fran.

    Cleans: 164.

    DNF, 25# for pullups (4 pullups to go at the 12 min mark).

    Impressive effort by the 6am crew, especially those who went rx'ed!
  3. Gina Says:
  4. Today seemed very hard. My shoulders are not very happy with me after the SDHPs yesterday and then heavy fran today.
    Cleans: 87, 10:52 Heavy Fran- I used 77# and a purple band.
    Smaller class today, maybe the rain made people want to sleep in! Still a great class!
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. Clean 3x3= 208#
    Heavy Fran= 11:36

    good thing i had the whole wkend to rest, 2day was tuf!...cleans felt good, experimented with wider grip and stance for faster catch...thrusters felt good, pullups were by far the hardest, need to go completely unbroken in thrusters next time, last tim i tried this about a yr ago i think it took me over 20:00 so i'm happy with the improvement...

    nice work 6amers!!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I didn't make it in this a.m. I am going to rest another day or two; my back is giving me fits which isn't normal.

  9. Eric C Says:
  10. 153# for cleans. They felt good.

    Heavy Fran as Rx'd felt baaaaaad.
    Got 5 Pullups into 2nd round.

    A coach in high school told me that it takes 6 weeks to get into shape and 1 week to get out of shape. That was my 5th workout in 2 weeks.

    I'm out of shape.
  11. BC Says:
  12. This morning was definitely a tale of 2 workouts.

    137# cleans, 3x3, no problems here.

    DNF heavy fran, all sorts of problems here. I wore a weighted vest (i'm guessing 25#, give or take) for the pullups, and those actually felt pretty good. The thrusters were a different story altogether. I never really felt quite "right" today and I was really struggling with the thrusters, even at 98#. My shoulder hurt, my legs felt weak, everything was just off. I knew it was going to be a bad day when, during warm ups, I couldn't even do single unders. Seriously, I could not string together any consecutive single unders to save my life, not even 2! What the hell?!?
  13. BigD Says:
  14. 148# on the cleans. Went okay but third set in on warmups my knee went a little funky. Got a nice shooting pain from knee to shin. Tried my best to shake it off and thanks Joe for watching my form. I need tons of work on these! But made it through the 3 sets of 3.
    DNF on the metcon. First, tried as RX'd on thrusters. Got all of 5 done and had to drop to 110. Couldn't get a sinlge pullup with 45 or 25# dumbells, so tried working form on regular kipping pullups. The down motion still needs work. Got 3 thrusters into the last set. Sh!tty! But had to work off dinner from last night. Be ready to kill it tomorrow!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Cleans - 120# These are feeling better and better every time. Thanks, Ricky and Jon, for the cues - they helped a LOT. Worked on staying on my heels through the extension and a wider grip.

    Heavy Fran - DNF with 2 pullups left. Thrusters were SLOW. Just didn't have any power on them. Pullups were tough, and I could have rested less, but having to hold the dumbbell kept me from having to pee, so that's a plus. My thighs, however, were brutalized and they look... not good.
  17. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  18. Cleans 92, felt good.
    Heavy Fran did not!! DNF only used 77 for thrusters and 15 for pull-up. Had 6 pull-ups left. I used the vest for the last 6 and it was easier than holding the weight between your legs. The vest was 25 but it just seemed easier to move with it.

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