Rest Day
Use rest days to make up any strength lifts you may have missed. You can either do a 1RM or a 3RM. Try and stay away from met-con if at all possible.

Gettin ready for the workout.
Alright everybody, Saturday's Fight Gone Bad is upon us. We need your help. If you are in town and can lend a helping hand, please stop by. Workouts are from 10AM to 12PM. If you can volunteer your time to help count reps please let us know.
If you can't make it in the AM, we are having a potluck get together where everyone is invited, including friends and family. It runs from 12PM until 2PM. It is a BYOB and a BYOM (bring your own meat) shindig.
We do ask that if your last name begins with the letters A thru F, you would be so kind as to bring one of your favorite desserts. If your last name begins with the letters G thru Z, please help us out by bringing a side dish.
And as we mentioned before, try and stay away from everyone bringing a bag of chips. Its gonna be a fun time and I am looking forward to seeing everyone do this workout for a great cause.
If you can't make it in the AM, we are having a potluck get together where everyone is invited, including friends and family. It runs from 12PM until 2PM. It is a BYOB and a BYOM (bring your own meat) shindig.
We do ask that if your last name begins with the letters A thru F, you would be so kind as to bring one of your favorite desserts. If your last name begins with the letters G thru Z, please help us out by bringing a side dish.
And as we mentioned before, try and stay away from everyone bringing a bag of chips. Its gonna be a fun time and I am looking forward to seeing everyone do this workout for a great cause.
So here's the deal, the Kansas Jayhawks (aka the Fighting Manginos-seriously dude, how about a salad once in a while?!) have a home game the same weekend, which is totally screwing with hotel availability. Apparently there's only one hotel with multiple rooms available and it's about $150/night PLUS $80/night taxes. Yikes! Plan B is Kansas City, specifically the west side of KC, which is about 30, maybe 45min from Lawrence. We'll let you know what we find there. If anyone has any other suggestions let us know.
Danielle, thanks for talking me into doing Annie with Becky and Mel!! Awesome job guys!!! It felt good! Double unders are getting better- finally!