Friday 091002

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Snatch 3x2 @ 87.5%
Work up to 87.5% of your 1RM using many warm-up sets (to practice the movement). Once there, perform 3 sets of 2 reps using about 2 to 3 minutes rest between sets.

followed by,

With a continuously running clock, do one 10 yard shuttle (5 yards and back) the first minute, two 10 yard shuttles (5 yards and back x2) the second minute, three shuttles (5 yards and back x3) the third minute, and so on until you are unable to continue.

You must touch the line with your hands (both sides) every time except for the last run of every minute.

Post completed minutes to comments.

Gina Petersen on a high-pull.

It's that time again, where we have a tape run. If you have some spare change and don't mind picking up a roll of tape or two, the gym would really appreciate it. Try for as many colors as you can find. Thank you all for doing this.

Sunday's open gym time will be at 4:30PM. Sorry for the late offering but its the only time we could get a coach to open it up as many people, including myself, will be out of town or busy with other ventures.

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10 Responses to "Friday 091002"

  1. Kelli Says:
  2. I will be one of those out of town on Saturday for the NL Games - so my 9am spot is open.
  3. Lindsey V Says:
  4. i will be at the buddy walk saturday so my 9am spot is open as well.
  5. Blog on Life Says:
  6. Lindsey I get to see you Saturday then! Shelley, you made the CFO blog photo two days in a row! You're famous! I'm pretty excited about the shuttles...NOT about snatching. I'm horrible at it so I guess it's good I'll be doing it.
  7. Crystal Says:
  8. Looking forward to the Next Level Games tomorrow in the cold! It should be fun. Not sure if I'm looking forward to pushing/pulling a car. This could be interesting.

    Everyone that is going to the walk tomorrow have fun. Brady is AWESOME!!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 97# - did an extra set just because these were on for me today. Pulling away from the bar helped a lot at the lower weights, and then at higher weights it was starting with my ass lower.

    Congrats to ZachJ on winning the Best Bloopers Award at noon... good stuff.
  11. Paula Says:
  12. I joined the 5AM class this morning. What better way to start the day than a good ole CFO strength and metcon WOD!! Did 58# on snatches and got 1 shuttle run short of 11.

  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. Congrats to Allison and Jake! That's awesome!
    The shuttles were alright. I got 15ish. I was following Greg O on the runs and he stopped 1 short on 15 with about 10 seconds left bc he thought we were on 14. Could have finished had I counted for myself. damn.
    Snatches sucked today. I did 1 and caught it too far back - it hurt like a mo fo so I just called it a day.
  15. hannah eileen Says:
  16. o, and I retract my statement of my 8am slot being open. I am coming just to deadlift then heading straight up to UNO to support Bradyboy
  17. JimmyG Says:
  18. #154 on the snatches today. Need to work on the set-up a little more to prevent catching the bar too far foreward.

    5 yards away from 10 rounds...
  19. paul Says:
  20. Great job 5:30--and JimmyG, it's great to have you back!

    115# for snatches, but they felt the best yet. I like keeping my feet more or less planted.

    12 full rounds, and 11 shuttles in the 13th.

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