Sunday 090927

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

Megan Guthmiller

Fight Gone Bad IV was a huge success. We had 80 athletes compete and got everyone through the workout in two hours over four heats. Organization was good and the competition was fierce. Some were tackling the workout for the first time and some have met this battle before.

We raised over $4200 with that number possibly going up as there is still time to donate.

I want to give a huge thank you to everyone that helped make this event a success including but not limited to, Jeff Shannon, Jon Day, Steve Filips, Kylie Roe, Amanda Brei, and every single person that helped count and motivate. I would also like to thank all friends and family for coming out and supporting our gym and this great cause. The food was incredible as well.

If you have any video or photos of the event, please, if you would, put them on cd or dvd and drop them off at the gym at your earliest convenience. This would be a great opportunity to post them to the blog for everyone to see.

Only 364 days until FGB V.

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7 Responses to "Sunday 090927"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I attended the Bluffs Classic last nite to support some friends in figure/bodybuilding show and saw the same two guys from Max Muscle there. I was telling them how different it must be seeing tan girls in bikinis, high heel, makeup and all oiled up versus crossfit with girls in tshirts and sweat. They both said hands down they prefer crossfit-
    "Kipping over Stripping"!!! I love it!!! They also said how everyone at CFO was very nice and laid back. So, all you CFO girls out there- keep kippin'!! Enjoy rest day......I know I will!

  3. Unknown Says:
  4. Just so you know, I know everybody was wondering when I was going to do Fight Gone Bad and I even told some people that I was going to do it today. Well I did do it today and it didn't go as bad as I thought it would.

    I didn't pr by 6 points but did better than the last time I did FGB. Sometimes, and don't ask me why, I do better at these workouts when I don't think my diet is where it should be. The real problem, I think, lies in the fact when my diet is in line that it's not enough food.

    FGB = 415

    Wall Balls - 30/30/25
    SDLHPs - 22/21/20
    Box Jumps - 50/53/45
    Push Press - 30/25/25
    Row - 12/12/15

    Totals per round - 144/141/130
  5. Allison H :) Says:
  6. Ran the Omaha half marathon this morning (untrained and reluctantly)... My back was pretty sore from FGB and the half marathon hills can kiss my ass! Finished 1hr58min. PR'd my time from my very first race ever last year by nearly ten minutes!

    NOT my PR for a half marathon though - just the Omaha course! (HILLS!) I did it before in Lincoln in 1hr53min with Jake in May this year. Hopefully my time will improve on that as well for this next year!

    Saw Steve, Angie, and Dave there this morning! Crossfitters kicking ASSphalt! Great job guys! And now that is quite enough exercise for one weekend! :)
  7. Blog on Life Says:
  8. Good job Allison!

    I wanted to let everyone know that I will not be attending the Saturday classes this next Saturday. I am going to be doing the Buddy Walk on "Team Brady"! (Brady's Brigade) If anyone would like to take my 9am class spot just let me know and I will forward it to Ricky/Joe/Kylie/Jon/Amanda so they know you will be subbing in my spot!
  9. Eric C Says:
  10. Rest Day. PTL.

    I have Picasa web album up of the photos I took at FGB4. I'm not sure exactly the best way to do this, so I'm throwing a link in here and hopefully people can get to the site that way.
  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
  13. Gdawg Says:
  14. great pics by the way eric!

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