Sep 2009

Saturday 090926

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
"Fight Gone Bad"

This is CrossFit's famous Fight Gone Bad workout. It has been used extensively to prep fighters for the UFC. In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. CrossFit has used this in 3 and 5 round versions. Today is 3 rounds. The stations are:

Wall Ball - 20/14 pound ball, 10 foot target (reps)
Sumo Dead-lift High Pull - 75/53 pounds (reps)
Box Jumps - 20 inch box (reps)
Push Press - 75/53 pounds (reps)
Row (calories)

The clock does not stop or reset between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to the next station immediately for a good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower, where each calorie is worth one point.

FINAL HEATS - IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add your points and post them to comments.

Last year's final men's heat.

Looking through last year's material, we only had 30 participants doing the workout. This year we have 79 doing the workout. Awesome, right?

The first heat starts at 10:10AM. Every athlete needs to check-in 10 minutes prior to the start of their heat time so that the rules and organization can be explained properly. There will be a check-in table for this. We will also have your t-shirts for pick-up. You will need to wear these up until the start of your heat at which time you can take it off if so desired.

We could use your help with counting. We will need at least 20 people for every heat so that every athlete has a personal counter.

If you have extra chairs, bring them. Seating and space will be limited.

Remember to park in the lot west of our building which is the electrical union building. Especially if you have to leave early.

Fight Gone Bad shirts will be for sale on an order only basis. The price is $15.

Remember to bring your side or dessert. Bring your own meat and drinks.

Come to have a good time and bring anyone and everyone. There will also be an opportunity for people to still donate.

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13 Responses to "Saturday 090926"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. Great job today everyone! And a special thanks to those of you who volunteered or set it all up!
    Finished with 237.
  3. Kelli Says:
  4. Fabulous job everyone! thanks to everyone who helped out :)
    I ended at 211. Felt like i was going to die. Wish I coulda broke through that, but just wasnt feelin it :(. Next time!!!
  5. BC Says:
  6. Great event all the way around today, and it couldn't have been more organized. Big props to Ricky, Kylie, Amanda, Jon and all the volunteers. Outstanding job everyone!

    As for me, 244 rx'd, PR. I can't remember what I did last year (I want to say 230ish) but I do know that last year it was scaled, so I'm fairly pleased. I really wanted to break 250 and now that I see how close I was I'm pretty pissed at myself, just a couple more push presses or box jumps or whatever and I would've been there. Thanks for counting Elizabeth, you did a great job.
  7. B3nj4m1n Says:
  8. Great Job everyone! I had a blast even though I just tied my PR. I got 307. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and counted. Thank you Ricky, Jon, Amanda, and Kylie (you owe me 15)for putting on such a great event. The desserts were great, the beer tasted better than ever, and the food was fantastic. Big props to whoever brought the spring rolls, and the pork, delicious. Ben V. nice job on the grill. The shits are fantastic too. Overall super way to start a Saturday.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. This was my first FGB, and I loved it!!! It was hard, but it felt great to finish it. I got 292 total reps; push press was the hardest for me, and my form was bad on sumo high pulls (Jess will love working on me I'm sure:))

    Great job to everyone and big thanks to the volunteers.

  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Awesome job everyone!! I was a GREAT time!! It was very well organized- thanks to Ricky, Jon, Kylie and Amanda- Good job guys! It couldn't have gone any smoother. A big thanks to all the volunteers and counters (a special thanks to my counter, Bonnie). Oh.... I got 230! Have a great weekend and enjoy the rest day!!!!

  13. BC Says:
  14. Ben,

    I rreeeeeallllllyyy hope that you meant to say that "the SHIRTS are fantastic too."
  15. Lindsey V Says:
  16. Great job to everyone today!! Big thanks to Ricky, Jon, Kylie, and Amanda, and all of you who helped set up! It was such a great turn out and I can't wait for next year! Super big thanks to Addi for coaching me and pushing me along! I ended up with 236.
    Lindsey V
  17. BigD Says:
  18. Awesome, awesome, awesome event! Had a frickin' blast! 220 for my first time doing this. Like the fact that I got to be the first one out of the blocks in the 1st heat. Had a good pace the first round but gassed by the second. Defintely need to work my box jumps. But thanks Ricky, Jon, Kylie, and Amanda as well as all the volunteers. Had a great time cheering everyone else on too.
    Big thanks to my counter, but I can;t remember your name. :( I blame it on fatigue. Yeah, that's it!
  19. Jess Says:
  20. Awesome job everyone today!!! It was a great event to be a part of. This was my first time doing FBG and my goal was to break 200. I finished at 217 which I was very pleased with. I am going to enjoy my rest day tomorrow.
    Thanks CrossFit staff, volunteers and counters for all your hard work. :u)

    P.S. Shelley, I need to fix you before next Saturday so you can kick ass at the Next Level Games!!!
  21. Allison H :) Says:
  22. Thank you so much Ricky, Jon, Amanda, Kylie, all the rep counters, crowd supporters, and everyone I am forgettig for putting on such an organized and fun event! This was my firs year for FGB and brutal doesn't even describe it! It was awesome to have so many people supporting each other for this cause! I am not very happy with my reps - 192. I know I rested too much and should have pushed myself harder. Needless to say I got no where near my goal, but on the bright side I have room to improve on for next year's event! Thanks soooo much for everything Crossfit has given me and means to me! You all rock! Big thanks!!!!!
  23. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  24. Fantastic job everyone!!! Huge numbers were put on the board today from all. I got 238 with a breakdown of 96, 72, 70. Thanks to all the volunteers and people who help set up. Things just flowed :)
  25. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  26. ok so I looked at the blog from last year and had 212 so a new PR. Last year I did actual box jumps and this year I did step ups, I am much faster with thoses. Next year box jumps and 250!!!

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