Sep 2009

Monday 090928

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Back Squat
Work up to 85% of your 1RM over 5 sets using the following percentages:

followed by,

5 rounds for time of:
200 meter run
10 Knees to Elbow (no kip)
20 Pushup Position Knees to Elbows, alternate legs
30 Situps

Post back squat weights and met-con time to comments.

Angie Thomas getting full extension on the rower during Saturday's FGB fundraiser.

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22 Responses to "Monday 090928"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Crossfit ab days are always brutal!

    284x5 for squats, 15:58 for the metcon.
  3. Jess Says:
  4. I can now die a happy woman!!! I FINALLY beat Paul and Jeff in a metcon. Two out of the three amigos isn't bad(Paul A., Jeff S., and GregMO)and I will take what I can get. 6am is no joke and everyone pushes themselves and each other which is why I love this group.

    97#x5 for Back Squats and 15:57 for the metcon

    Great job 6am peeps :u)
  5. paul Says:
  6. HAHA! love it. well done, Jess.
  7. Greg MO Says:
  8. Back Squat= 198, 230, 252, 282, 309
    Metcon= 14:29

    Jell-O legs & washboard abs!!!
  9. Gina Says:
  10. Back squat I got up to 173.

    I got through 4 rounds of the metcon, would have stayed to finish, but I had an early meeting today and had to go.

    Nice job everyone!
  11. Hilg Says:
  12. Wow, Jess, you rocked it!

    255# X 5 Back Squats and 18:59 Metcon....not Rx'ed due to really crappy Knees to Elbows....massive quads required for squats are hard to lift over my head! LOL ;-)

    Good to be back on 6am.....nice job this morning Dave!

  13. BigD Says:
  14. 265# on squats. Thanks Brian, Ricky, and Amanda for making sure I was going deep. 20:12 on the metcon. Not RX'd due to knees getting nowhere near my elbows. But they were closer than the last time I did them.

    Jello legs and cramping abs...

    Awesome job 6AM! Way to beat the guys Jess!
  15. JimmyG Says:
  16. First day back at CFO! I have some catching up to do. 225 on the Back squat I think. I have a hard time adding weights. and DNF on the METCON. I need to work off some of my beer belly before attempting KTE's again.

    Is anyone out in CFO-land looking for a roommate? My house hunting has officially started and I thought I'd ask. E-mail me at jimbo.garofalo@gmail dot com if you're interested in living with a pretty awesome (not to mention handsome) guy!
  17. Crystal Says:
  18. Yah......glad to see Jimbo is back! Welcome back. Long time no see!

    BTW he is a pretty Awesome guy!
  19. paul Says:
  20. Jimmy! Welcome back, bro!
  21. Addi Says:
  22. Damn, Jess! Did you ever know that you're my hero?

    174 for back squat. DNF in 15 on the metcon as rx'd. Got through 9 K2E on the last round.. Took a moment on the floor, then finished it up. Those situps take me FOREVER!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Did 198 on back squat. DNF on metcon (16 minutes was the cut-off). I broke it into 10 rounds because of knees to elbows reps. Doing 5 in each round of knees to elbows was still slow for me; I could do 2 and then reset and maybe do another 2 and then get the last one. I was in round 8 and had just completed all the knees to elbows when time was called.

    Great job 4:30 class; I do miss the 6 a.m. crew; I just haven't been getting to bed early enough lately.

  25. Addi Says:
  26. Almost forgot - I have an 8 am slot up for grabs this Saturday. or facebook me if you want it! First come first serve. Or highest bidder, if you're that desperate to get up early on a weekend.
  27. JenT Says:
  28. I also have a 9AM slot open for this Saturday if anyone wants it. or facebook
  29. Mel C Says:
  30. Jen! Are you doing the Buddy Walk?!?!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I made a mistake on the metcon. I was in round 9 as I had completed 9 runs and 9 knees to elbows. Either way it was still a big fat DNF.....


    BTW, I also have an 8 a.m. slot open for Saturday if anyone wants it.
  33. Jen B Says:
  34. First day back since the accident. I did better than I thought. 98 X 4 for back squats and DNF on metcon. Brutal! I missed you guys :)
  35. Jen Says:
  36. Jeff and I will be at the buddy walk this Saturday so there are 2 open 8 am slots up for grabs! Email us if you want the spots:
  37. Cari Says:
  38. 165x5 Backsquat ... DNF on metcon; finished about 7.5 rounds of the 10 rounds. Have a VERY long ways to go on knees to elbows. I also have a spot open on Sat at 9am; going to KS to watch everyone kick ass at the Next Level Games! Let me know if you want it,
  39. Crystal Says:
  40. 136x5 on backsquat. only got 1 rep on my 5th set at 146. just wasn't there today.

    Did metcon rx'd & DNF. 19 situps short of finishing 4 rounds. did better than i thought. maybe should have done modified. either way intensity was there.

    nice job 6:30. my 8am spot is also open this saturday. e-mail me at if you want it.
  41. BC Says:
  42. Back squat: 198x5. Needed to hit 213, failed on my 3rd rep, my legs are still just fried from Sat.

    Metcon: 12:55. A few of us at 5:30 did the scaled version of 10 rounds of 100m run, 5 KTE, 10 pushup thingys and 15 situps. It wasn't any easier that's for sure. Nice job evening crew.
  43. Allison H :) Says:
  44. I sooo needed the rest day! My back is cramped up! Should be back to normal by tomorrow!

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