Sep 2009

Sunday 090920

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Push Jerk 3 x 3 @ 80%

Use as many warm-up sets as needed in order to refine technique and push speed. You will get a chance to go heavier on this movement at a later time. Try to focus on form and speed.

followed by,

5 rounds for time of:
10 Box Jumps, 36/30 inch box
10 Sumo Dead-lift High Pull @ 132/88 pounds

Post push jerk weight and met-con time to comments.

Fight Gone Bad Explanation. How it all started. Get ready folks, it's gonna be one heck of a Saturday.

The gym will be open at 10:30AM for open gym. Come in and start of the current cycle with a bang.

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11 Responses to "Sunday 090920"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. Great job today, guys! SDHP hurt me horribly. Did the metcon in 9:22. finished push jerk @ 99# bc I didn't do the 1rm so I guessed.
  3. Paula Says:
  4. Little upset- got called into work at 930. I was really looking forward to the workout. I will have to make it up on weds. Hope you all have great day! See ya tomorrow!!!
  5. paul Says:
  6. Love the number of people committed enough to come in on Sunday morning and bust ass!

    154#x3x3 on push jerk, 8:50 for the metcon.

    Oh wait, actually, i think that's 4:50. my mistake. we ninjas perceive time differently from you ordinary folk (i'm looking at you, BChrist).
  7. Allison H :) Says:
  8. Sunday Funday @ crossfit! Great turn out!

    77# 3X3 push jerk

    9:04 metcon with rx'd box jumps and scaled SDLHP to 63#!

    I can to tell myself over and over to pick up the bar, get on top of the box, do it do it DO IT! Tough one, but lived through it! Ready for more tomorrow!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Did corporate cup 10K this morning in 52:17 and then had a commitment at my church so I didn't make it in this morning. Maybe can make this up on a rest day.

    See everyone tomorrow!

  11. Crystal Says:
  12. Nice job everyone. Did 82# for push jerk. 10:17 on metcon. Used 77# For some reason box jumps seemed really easy today. I loved it. As for SDHP ugh. I hate them!

    Hope ya'll have a good Sunday!
  13. B3nj4m1n Says:
  14. Loved seeing so many people there it made it feel like a saturday which is always better than sunday. Finished on the push jerks at 162x3. Have no 1rm but this was a 3RM. Finished the metcon in 10:30 rx'd. The SDLHP were hard and my 35.5 inch tower of bumpers was a little wobbly and scary on a few of the jumps. Great job everybody!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 104# x3 and 6:42 rx'd for the met-con.
    Good job this morning guys. Another big Sunday class.
  17. BC Says:
  18. push jerks - 115x3
    metcon - 10:13, jumps rx'd, SDHP scaled to 110#

    The push jerks felt much smoother than the 1rm we did last week, I'm still dipping a bit too low and driving a bit too slow but they're getting there. The metcon was gruelling but I liked it, I always enjoy super-high box jumps. Great job everyone!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. PJ - 115x3

    Felt pretty good - I was able to do most without having to leave the ground.

    Ran the 10k Corporate Cup this morning, so I bowed out of the metcon - my hips are PISSED. Don't know my time for the 10k, but I think it's somewhere in the 53-55 min. range.
  21. Mark Says:
  22. Great Sunday workout crowd today! I worked up to 162 for the push jerks and then did the metcon in 10:55... horrible. Not very happy with that performance but I know now a couple new weaknesses.

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