Saturday 090919

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

CrossFit and Moms to be. A perfect fit.

Because it is a rest day, there will be no 8AM class. You will not be charged for a missed day if you don't show up and you have a reserved spot. There will probably be a team workout in store but this is also a day where you can make up strength that has been missed.

Fight Gone Bad in one week. Be ready. I have the heat assignments done and will be posted in the gym on Sunday. The roundtable is figuring out who will bring what in terms of food. It is a B.Y.OB. event but everyone will be responsible for bringing some type of food. Be on the lookout for what you are responsible for. Working out will occur from 10 to 12PM and eating and fellowship will happen between 12 and 2PM.

It is going to be one heck of a time. Please be sure to sign up for a volunteer spot if you are not participating. We need all the help we can get. Whether it is for counting reps or helping with setup or helping with other activities. Please sign-up. Thank you for all your help.

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7 Responses to "Saturday 090919"

  1. paul Says:
  2. i am INCREDIBLY sore. i think it is mostly from the Tabatas.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I worked on max reps today. I need to be more comfortable with high reps instead of breaking things up so much. I did 5 rounds of max reps of pull-ups, push-ups and HSPU's. I used a purple band to get higher numbers. I really hope there are none of those things in tomorrow's workout.
    Good job everyone that came in today. It was a nice relaxed day in the gym today. I liked it.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Came in and did my 1rm back squat. Hit 300 which is a 20 lb pr. I am sore as hell from the tabatas as well. Abs!!!! Finally got my ristos in...I like to call them my "magic shoes".

  7. Brandon Says:
  8. Anyone want to trade heat assignments? I have 11:40, but I need to be in an earlier one. Help... :-)

  9. Addi Says:
  10. Made up the 5x5 deadlifts...

    Didn't have time for breakfast before, and wasn't really feeling it today. Got through the 4th set at 242. Started the 5th set at 262, but I felt lopsided... not a good excuse, but I quit then.

    Disappointing. Still, it was gorgeous weather and fun to see some of the morning kids.

    Happy birthday, Jenny!
  11. Allison H :) Says:
  12. I was too tired after work this morning to make it in, so I choose to hit the hay. So I did an hour of cardio at 24hr this afternoon. Tomorrow I run the Corporate Cup 10K and then will swoop over to the 10:30 class! It will be big difference for me to be done working out for the day at 11;30 instead of getting up for the day... Night shift sucks sometimes because of this!
  13. Kelli Says:
  14. I made up snatch and dl. Both felt good :) see y'all tomorrow. Wonder what time?

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