Sunday 090906

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

With a continuously running clock, do one power snatch (115#/77#) the first minute, two the second minute, three power snatches the third minute. Continue for as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed. (Power snatch is from the ground but no squat)

Post number of completed minutes to comments/logwod.

CrossFit Journal Presents: Dr. Barry Sears, parts I and II (look for parts III and IV in Videos of Interest section soon.)

We had a great turnout on Saturday morning for 8AM class, about 30 strong. I am excited to see so many people working hard. The 8AM class is not set in stone just yet. The trial period continues. We'll see how many are attending in three to four weeks and make a decision at that time.

It did make it a lot more fun having that many people working out at the same time.

The gym will be open tomorrow at 1PM. This is also a trial period. If we want this slot open on a consistent basis, you guys have to show me. One o' clock is non-negotiable.

FGB IV fliers have now been printed off and will be posted in the gym and available to all of you. Sign up and start raising money. Prostate cancer affects everyone and I bet you may know someone that is affected by it in your own family.

The wounded warriors project is a special charity. We have active military personnel in our very own gym. Tell them, by donating, that our armed forces mean the world to us. They do what everyone else is scared to do. Protect our country.

Sign up and do the workout. Get a cool shirt. Time is running out. We will be accepting donations leading up all the way to the day of the event but will only be allowing those that wish to participate until September 12th. GET ON THE BALL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9 Responses to "Sunday 090906"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Damn! This looks awesome! I am still in colorado so I doubt I am going to get this in. I will want to make this up for sure. Hey, what is the conversion from kilograms to lbs? I did yesterdays workout at a 24 hour fitness and the bumpers just read kg's. I want to know how much I was lifting.

    Nick P
  3. paul Says:
  4. Nick--1kg is 2.2 lbs.

    My knee feels better but I have had no energy since being away. Been doing lots of physical work, though, and i'm hoping to get some kind of metcon in today.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Did 6 rds. I am on vacation, eating like garbage, drinking everything in site, so I am pleased.

    Nick P
  7. BigD Says:
  8. Got 7 rounds as RX'd in. Round 8 I got to 6 or 7 reps and gassed. Wow, according to my untrained eye we had close to 30 folks there for a Sunday workout. Like the idea of an open-gym with a purpose kind of thing.
  9. linds Says:
  10. 9 rounds with 63#, huge group today. Thanks ZachJ for recording me on the rings, even though you didn't get the good one on video, oh well.
  11. Kelli Says:
  12. 9 rounds - 63# Wish I coulda done 77# if only for the opportunity to drop the bar. My back was screaming at me in the 10th round, so I didn't even try.
  13. paul Says:
  14. apropos of yesterday's thing about crossfitters always trying to do pullups and box jumps everywhere...well, i just found out what it's like to miss a box jump. really fun on a 4 foot stone wall. there was blood in my socks. guess i shoulda warmed up.

    this is what happens when i don't get my crossfit fix. i turn into a moron.
  15. GregP Says:
  16. It was good to see some different folks today. Lot's of people shwed up. Thank Ricky and Joe for opening the gym today.

    9 rounds w/77#
  17. Danielle Says:
  18. 10 rounds with 53#. After did Annie with Pete and Elizabeth in 7:18 not sure if this is a PR. My DU's were off in the first couple of rounds.

    Nice big group today.

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