As many rounds as possible in 6 minutes of:
25 Double Unders
10 No Pushup Burpees
100 meter run
Rest 1 minute
Repeat for 3 cycles (18 minutes of work)
Post AVERAGE rounds completed to comments.
Warming up in the old Dojo.
A class has been added to the regular line-up, trial period as of now, at 5AM. The class will be doing a lot of the same things that all the other classes do so if you can't make it to the gym at any other time of the day................... There is always 5AM.
I will have Fight Gone Bad heat assignments done by this afternoon. I will post them up in the gym for everyone to see. Should you need a to make a change to where you are at, please notify me asap.
We have 80 athletes participating over 4 time slots in a 2 hour period. The first heat starts at 10:10. Second through four are at 10:40, 11:10, and 11:40. Be sure to check your time slot and who you are with. Again, let me know if you need something changed.
I'll be taking a rest day today, and in on Saturday to keep my spot.
I got 4 2/3's, 4 1/3, 4 1/3. Aveage is almost 4 1/2.
Might come in tomorrow to work on some stuff... No met-con though!
I may try to get in tomorrow morning at 8 am if everything works out and there is a spot open.
Eric, hope your step-daughter pulls through ok, keep us posted.
2 1/3 for all 3 rounds, average: 2 1/3
I was telling Angela this morning that when we were doing FRCF that I was able and willing to come in Mon-Fri and felt fine. I can't even begin to tell you how much I look forward to rest days now. I am so mentally and physically drained after Ricky's programming that I NEED rest days.
Great job 6am peeps. See y'all on Sunday. :u)
wod= 3, 3, 2 2/3
f'n double unders....this 1 was tufer than i thought it would be, had to strugle to get 3 rnds...
good work, noon crew.
Man, this morning was rough. Averaged 2 per round. On a good note, my doubleunders were better this time than two Saturdays ago. Nice job everyone!
Will hit on base tomorrow morning at 8 to make up for the push press 1RM. Can't make it in Sunday. The wife and I are doing a charity walk for her work and then enjoying the rest of our anniversary. See ya Monday!
You're not going to "re-count" your reps and suddenly tell us you actually got 8 rounds each time or anything are you? That wouldn't be very Chuck Norris of you ya know.
HA! Had to make up for yesterday. That's what you get for sleeping in biz-natch.
Doubleunders were much better for me; actually had a couple rounds where I got all 25 without messing up.
Hope everything is ok with your stepdaughter Eric.
Enjoy your anniversary Dave!
Great job 4:30 class!
Average: 3 1/3