Friday 090904

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Push Jerk 1RM

followed by

5 rounds for time of:
5 Overhead Squats @ 142#/99#
10 Burpees

Post push jerk max and met-con time to comments/logwod.

"Karen" at 6AM

Who ponders not coming in when a workout has handstand pushups or (fill in the blank) in it because they don't think they have the potential? The potential can also be associated to losing weight, making money, and/or anything else in life we would like to achieve.

Who, when they have a terrible workout, decides that they will always be sub par and deals with it? Maybe it even makes you less interested in coming in as well?

Why is that there are some people that can seemingly make a workout look so easy whereas others struggle? Obviously, to mind comes mobility, technique, strength, etc.... but why else?

I dare you to watch this interview, all 40 minutes of it, and learn a little bit about how you can become better and why some have it and some don't.

An interview between Tony Robbins, Frank Kern, and John Reese.

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16 Responses to "Friday 090904"

  1. Gdawg Says:
  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Ahhh, this looks crappy. I will have to come in later and do this one. I had a few too many brews last night. Sorry 6am...I'm sure you missed me!

    Nick P
  5. Cari Says:
  6. Went to 6am and everything just felt off; push jerks never felt quite right and overhead squats felt worse than normal. Finally got 99# for the jerk which is the same as I've done before but it felt way easier the last time. 9:34 for the metcon w/ 43#. Hopefully with a good night's sleep I'll be less sore tomorrow and things will feel better. Great job to everyone at 6am!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Did 137# on push jerk.(PR) I had to re-do 132# because the first one was more of a push press. I did 137# twice to work on technique.

    Did 53# on overhead squat and finished in 6:22 on metcon. My 1 RM on this is 87#. Hopefully the next time we do 1 RM on this, it will have improved.

    Great job Paula on your PR in push jerk!! As usual, the 6 a.m. crew did great!

  9. Paula Says:
  10. Did 117# on the Push Jerk- PR by 25#
    Metcon- 8:13 with 53#. OHS were tough today!

    Thanks for the encouragement Shelley!! Great job on your PR as well!

    Awesome work 6am crew!
    Welcome to CFO Justin and Amanda, Great job this morning!!!
  11. Greg MO Says:
  12. PJ= 242
    met-con= 5:33

    triceps and shoulders r stil realy sore from the other day, i missd the snatch during the met-con BADLY 3 times! disapointed, i should have completed this 1 alot faster...PJ felt pretty good, my lockout is gettn better but i'm still catchin with a pretty bent wrist and my feet 2 wide, i think its cause i'm so used to doin a split jerk for 1-rm...

    Huge class workn hard this am!!!
  13. Gina Says:
  14. Today seemed pretty good for me. I got a new PR with 131 on the push jerk. I used 53# for the OH squats and finished in 7:22. Nice job everone!
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. Had a 1+1 with Zach Reiss today. He helped me PR by 31#. I got up 203# and it felt good. I offered to buy him a beer for the lesson, but wanted some lettuce and a live chicken. (J/K Zach, I love you... and your Paleo, man!)

    The met-con was good, but I tried to dump the bar on my last OHS and it clipped my skull. OUCH! That's probably why I can't remember my time. I was a couple secs. behind BC.

    What are people doing for the game tomorrow night. Going to Lincoln? Staying home? Watching at a bar?

    Nick P- email me your cell #.
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. 131# PJ
    7:59 on the metcon with 77# on the bar. While I was doing the metcon I kept thinking to myself, if only I could take out the burpees, then I might like this wod....
  19. BigD Says:
  20. 185 on the PJ. Tried 199 but it didn't move too well. Scaled the metcon OHS to 99. 8:48. Thanks BC for pushing me through my last burpees. Great job 6AMers! Hope to see you guys at the 8AM tomorrow.
    Oh, and Eric C, the only game that matters tomorrow is my Buckeyes whuppin' on Navy to get ready to spank that USC ass next week! Go Bucks!
  21. Brian H Says:
  22. 185 on the Push Jerk. Thanks Dave for cheering me on! Really sucked at the over-head squats...shamefully could only do 65# and finished in 7:52. Gotta work on shoulder flex.
    I tailgate for the Husker games each week in the Lincoln Journal Star parking lot(between 9th and 10th street) .....42" plasma and cranked tunes....good times and anyone is welcome! Let me know.

  23. paul Says:
  24. ouch. not a good day. worked up to 175 on push jerk and then started warming up OHS when something f'ed up in my knee. not good. a little better now, but i think i have to take a few days off.

    feel like smashing something. bigfoot angry when not get fix!
  25. BC Says:
  26. Got 132# on the push jerks. I did get 142 overhead but it was more of a jerk/press mutant offspring, hence it didn't count. Something about getting back down after the initial drive up wasn't clicking for me, quite possibly due to a case of the 6am stupids I constantly suffer from - me no very smart in early time. 6:50 on the metcon @ 74#.
  27. Becky Says:
  28. Got to 112 on PJ which felt great! 7:45 on the met-con with 53#. It's amazing the posts that get put on here. Ricky's comments today hit so very close to home. I feel like I get better, but never quite better enough. Hopefully ojne day will come, but whenever we have a workout that doesn't sound great, I need to keep telling myself that weaknesses can become strengths...Eventually.
  29. Jen S. Says:
  30. 130 on the PJ. I could have gone heavier, but I know it would have involved a lot of pressing. Drats! 6:30 on the Metcon with 87lbs which is 65% of my 1rm.
  31. Danielle Says:
  32. PJ 110 PR. DNF on metcon with 63#. OHS will be my Bitch by the end of the year. Mark my words!!! Went to 24 hour sat morning and did it again with 30 # to work on technique finished in 702 not great but they felt good. Friday was a real wake up call me.

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