Thursday 090903

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Rest Day

How far has this gal come from when she first started? Night and day!


Today's rest day should be adhered to as if it was a major holiday. Those that have gone three days straight need this time to repair and rejuvenate both their minds and bodies. Rest days or even rest in general, is when we improve athletically. It is not the actual workout that makes us better but how our bodies adapt to the stimulus. If you do not give yourself time to adapt, you will not grow but rather grow tired, sick, and maybe become injured.

Within CrossFit, the 3 days on, one day off schedule is in place because it has, over millions and millions of workouts, been shown that on the fourth day there is a significant drop-off in intensity and performance. Now, this does not mean that you do absolutely nothing. It just means you should steer clear of the gym. Go for a long walk, play a sport, practice some of the techniques in the article above.

The only reason I feel someone should come in for more than three days straight is if they will not be able to or would rather not come in on the weekends. In this case, I would say that you come in and perform the strength but take a day off from met-cons. So a five day on, 2 day off schedule will look like this:

Monday - Strength + Met-con
Tuesday - Strenth + Met-con
Wednesday - Met-con
Thursday - Strength
Friday - Strength + Met-con
Sat & Sun - Rest

If you need to follow this schedule, I can help you out with this. If you can come on the weekends, I would rather you do that. Saturday's at 8AM and Sunday's at 1PM.

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18 Responses to "Thursday 090903"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Hells yeah, Addi! What a rockstar!

    Good article on rest. I just got 9 hours of passive rest and it felt incredible. Wish I could do that every day. Going to bed at 10 may make me a "50 year old man" (thanks, Addi), but it sure has its advantages.
  3. hannah eileen Says:
  4. today sucked ass. I am not at all pleased with my "performance."
    great job this morning, though, guys!
  5. Eric C Says:
  6. I could tell Hannah wasn't too happy this morning when the number of F-bombs got into double digits. : )
  7. Blog on Life Says:
  8. I'm definitely taking a rest day and am going to do some cardio to loosen myself up.

    And Addi, you are officially a beast! :o)
  9. Addi Says:
  11. Melissa B Says:
  12. I totally agree...Addi you are totally a crossfit badass! miss you guys!
  13. GregP Says:
  14. Careful with the “50 year old” comments :) unless you are referring to the majority of the 50’s out there.

    I am thankful I found Ricky, Joe, CF, and that I am able to run faster/longer, push/pull/jump, and lift more than any of my friends my age. They think I am crazy, but I feel CrossFit Omaha has cut years off my actual age. And it would not be possible without the encouragement and support from everyone.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Sorry to throw around that stereotype, Greg P! Anyone who's ever watched you do pullups knows you don't fit that stereotype!
  17. linds Says:
  18. Did 1RM snatch today 97#(PR), attempted 102# but I failed. The snatch felt really good today, it really helped warming up on light weight for multiple reps. Nice job noon crew! Steve wanted me to do yesterdays metcon with him for 10 mins, and I said "NO". So I did as many rounds in 10mins of 30 air squats and 45 sit ups. Completed 4 rounds. Good job Steve!
  19. Allison H :) Says:
  20. takin my rest day easy - just did a 5 mile easy run today... maybe now I'll break out the vaccum and walk my mini horses later :) lol!
  21. Steve Says:
  22. Thanks for keeping me company, Linds.
  23. Becky Says:
  24. I did yesterday's workout today. I got exactly 3 rounds with my pushups looking like ass. I did a bunch of negatives then knees, but I tried more regulars than normal. Deb was a great push partner and really helped me pace, especially my last round of jumps. Great job all!
  25. Paula Says:
  26. Definitely taking advantage of the rest day. My body is pretty sore!! Going to attend the 6am class tomorrow before I head out of town for the weekend. Can't wait to workout with the famous "morning monsters"! It will be a first!
  27. B3nj4m1n Says:
  28. Did 1RM DL got a PR at 396. Then did the metcon 15-12-9 115lb thrusters and jumping ball slams. The metcon was super hard after yesterday killed my shoulders and tris doing all the pushups. Great job 5:30 makeup crew!
  29. Gdawg Says:
  30. This comment has been removed by the author.
  31. Gdawg Says:
  32. This comment has been removed by the author.
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Megan,

    I was posting the same way before finding out that you post on the "today" tab and not the "workout" tab. I don't think you can post past 1 week as those WOD's fall off the drop down menu, but you should be able to post all of the WOD's that are up to 1 week mark.

    Hope that helps,
  35. Gdawg Says:
  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

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