Friday 090807

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


CrossFit West Santa Cruz will now be the default affiliate WOD followed, should a workout not be posted to your respective affiliate.

Post times, rounds, or weights lifted and thoughts to comments.

Hugh Simmons going overhead.

Next Tuesday is the One Year Anniversary get together. We will be playing some Hooverball and grilling out food. The gym will take care of all meat, condiments, water, and plates, napkins, and utensils. We are asking you to fill in the rest.

If you have not read the fliers posted up in the gym, those with the last names beginning with letters A thru S are asked to please supply salads or side dishes. Those with last names beginning with letters T thru Z are asked to bring a dessert. This event is BYOB should you wish to drink.

Chris also wanted me to inform you that he has lots of life jackets, both adult and kid sizes but encourages anyone to bring their own if you have one.

There will be CFO beverage koozies available at the cook-out for a price of $2. I am not sure at the moment if this price will go up after this event. Make sure you get yours on Tuesday.

Directions on how to get out to Chris' will be posted this weekend for those that are unaware.

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15 Responses to "Friday 090807"

  1. Mark Says:
  2. I'm in for 5 (maybe more) CFO koozies. I've got at least 5 friends tha think big box gyms are the way to go. I need some help fixing that...
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 56 card pick-up

    KB swings
    box jumps
    wall balls

    rep scheme ranged from 1-10 (facecards being 10 reps) and suit dictated what exercise we did;

    4 jokers were 30 reps of:

    ball slams
    burpees (sucked)
    air squats

    This workout sucked; burpees were the hardest especially being drawn on the 30 something card.

    We had 20 seconds to complete each card, but if you fell behind you could catch up. Burpees were given extra time. Others must have as well as the cut off time was 25 minutes. I really don't know because once the burpee card was drawn I was playing catch up. I finished in 24:57. It really sucked to get back to back exercises (8 wall balls, 10 wall balls, etc).

    Great job 6 a.m.!!!

  5. Jess Says:
  6. UGH.....this 6am WOD sucked and was just plain NONSENSE, I tell ya! A big fat DNF for me. I could def tell I didn't eat anything this am which I normally do and felt like I was going to blackout or throw up. I def won't do that again. Great work 6am peeps.
  7. paul Says:
  8. curse you, CFFR! that was miserable. but i feel amazing now, i have to say.

    just shy of 23, i think (22:58?). there's no way I could've made it through this without so many HARD WORKERS around me. you guys are awesome!
  9. Addi Says:
  10. Nothing would make me happier than to come in for the noon WOD today (well, maybe a 1RM DL, but it's pretty close), but I NEED a rest day.

    If, for some reason, you see me show up at noon today, please kindly boot my ass from the gym. Because I NEED to rest.

    But I really really want to go. Heavy? 4 reps? Not for time? High box jumps? Did I mention not for time? I think I'm in love.
  11. Greg MO Says:
  12. 56 card pick up= 21:5?

    motherf*$%r!!!!...this 1 was about as cool as AIDS ;)...i havent wantd 2 quit during the middle of a WOD 4 a very long time but i admit i thought about it a coupl times during this was just as fun as the last time i tried it like 2 yrs ago, hopefully its another 2 yrs b4 i evr c this thing again...

    ps: CFO Team- what do you guys think about attempting the final xfit games team wod next Tuesday morning @ 6am?...I kno that myself and Addi r down 4 it so now we just need confirmation from Jon and Reba (& Zachr if he wants 2 cheer us on)...i have a camera & a tripod ready 2 tape it...LETS DO THIS!!!!
  13. Gina Says:
  14. 56 card pick up was terrible.
    I got stuck on the burpees, and only finished three more cards after that. Nice job everyone, that was tough!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Damn that was a rough workout! It was definitely one that was mentally tough; it was hard to keep going. Especially looking at the board and seeing how far along we were... knowing we still had half the deck sucked.
    Wall balls killed me!
    Everyone did great!!
  17. Kelli Says:
  18. Did Lynne at noon...I am officially declaring myself a 5:30'er for the month of August. Totaled 124 with the bench press at 99# which I estimate to be 65% of my 1RM. It was awesome. I haven't benched since Feb. :)
  19. Eric C Says:
  20. 56 Card pickup. I was going into the workout with the idea of completing about 80-90% (of each card) and not pushing 'too' hard. I did about 98% of the workout and out of 500 reps I only cut out about 8 or 9. Anyway, technically DNF but worked way hard than I planned.

    Tomorrow about 8-9 hours of 2-man sand volleyball tournament in Lincoln. Only supposed to be 99, not 100. I've actually seen guys have to go to the hospital playing in that kind of heat all day.


    If I'm in the finals, I'll wear a crossfit T shirt when I warm up. :)
  21. Eric C Says:
  22. Also I've been working on a "Paleo-Friendly" margarita. Seriously! No syrup. Only a tiny bit of sweetener. That crap you get in the store is LOADED with HFCS.

    I think I'd better re-test my recipe right now!
  23. BC Says:
  24. Went in at 5PM and made up the FRCF wod, 56 card pick-up. OH MY GOD! DNF, I got through card #46 (out of 56). I like the temperature in the mornings way better. Nice job Donohoe, thanks for doing this one with me.
  25. Jen S. Says:
  26. Did 2 rounds of FGB and it was tough cookies! I liked it though. My total was 171.
  27. ZachR Says:
  28. 4:30 WOD today was a rest day so I did the default workout, slightly modified.

    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps
    Deadlifts at 274#
    Power Cleans at 137#


    I subbed Pushups for Bench Press to protect my shoulder. Weights were based off a percentage of my bodyweight (184#)

    This one almost killed me!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Did 5 rds of 185 back squat x10 and 10 pullups.

    Nick p

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